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※ 引述《bluecherry (紫藍櫻桃)》之銘言: : 題目: : 25. No questions were ______ Sara. : (A) asked of (B) asking (C) asked (D) asked to : 考題:桃園縣97學年度國民小學暨附設幼稚園教師聯合甄選筆試【英文】試題 : 提問: : 此題答案為A。請問為何答案為A? 不能選D? 感謝喔! : asked of 跟 asked to 哪裡不同? I have not seen this construct before, namely, "ask (a question) to (someone)" [1] People don't say: "Let me ask a question to you." They may say: "Let me ask you a question." [2] Or "I've got a question for you." [3] Or "To me, this question is hard." [4] None of the constructs in [2] ~ [4] is similar to that in [1]. The usage of "ask of" is not an uncommon construct; it means "demand" or "expect." See http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/ask_1 under item 5.) hope it helps ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chenzhishun1:"I asked her to dinner." is also correct... but 03/16 15:12
chenzhishun1:it still differs from [1]... 03/16 15:13
chenzhishun1:"let me say this to you one more time..." 03/16 15:16
chenzhishun1:when the verb is "say" it seems to be ok... 03/16 15:17