看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
According to their levels of difficulty, the articles in Studio Classroom are rated by the number of stars. The more stars an article has, the harder is the content. You may start with the easier ones first and gradually move your way up the ladder. If you could catch the s's, t's, ed's, and the prepositions in the broadcasts and could understand most of its content without reading the magazine, I would say maybe it is time to put away that magazine and move on. Otherwise, keep listening to its broadcasts as a habit and try to internalize what you hear from your mp3 player. It doesn't cost a dime and It shouldn't be an added burden at all. And on top of that, it definitely pays you back and strengthen your 語感 in the long run. If you find the content simple and relaxing, great! Says who that learning English should be boring, painful and tormenting? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chenzhishun1:the magazine referred to in paragraph 2~5 is 03/22 17:59
chenzhishun1:Let's Talk in English 03/22 18:00
Acction:感覺寫的很好,但我得好好翻成中文來看,謝謝你喔^^" 03/22 21:00
neiltsang: 這英文爛到可憐 整篇想用英文還寫"語感"是殺小XDDD 07/10 22:46