看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《vengamingyu (Ming Yu)》之銘言: :   大家好!今天查 junk 的單字時,發現到某個例句有著令我不解的語法。 :   英文:Get that junk off the table, will you! :   中譯:你給我將那件破爛從桌上拿開! :   由於這是我首次看到這種語句,我猜測原句應為: :   You will get that junk off the table. (用命令的口氣。) :   向大家請教,後句的 will you 是不是一種加強語氣的倒裝呢?能否多舉 : 一個類似的例句呢。 :   Thank You ^^ Sometimes we use "will you" to get an immediate answer from someone. "Help me with this, will you?" "She will help us, will she?" "Get that junk off the table" is a strong command, and the speaker tries to use "will you" at the end of the sentence either to soften the tone or to get a straight answer from someone. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: