看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. When you practice ___ English to someone on the telephone, besides paying attention to the telephone courtesy,you should also try to speak clearly. (A)speak (B)to speak (C)speaking (D)spoke A:(C) 請問為什麼不能選(B)? 2. Speak slowly enough so that the person on the other end of the line can follow you and catch ____. (A)what you mean (B)you mean (C)what you meaning (D)your meaning A:(D) 請問為什麼不能選(A)? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wanttu:記得practice 後面只能加 Ving 04/13 14:09
noruas:第二題,答案應該是(A)吧.. your meaning 有這種說法嗎?? 04/13 14:15
priv:有喔,WordNet catch的例句裡有 04/13 14:20
Maccer:第二題是在考and對等連接詞的用法 答案D較答案A來的好 04/13 15:06
B95730101:可以請問樓上為什麼D比A好嗎?還是單純的文法使用上較佳? 04/13 18:00
greatgatsby:Np(名詞片語) and NP(名詞片語) 所以選D比較對稱.. 04/13 21:07
greatgatsby:抱歉 講錯了 應該是動詞片語 vs. 動詞片語? 04/13 21:24
B95730101:哪裡有動詞片語呢??? 04/13 22:06
recary:可以用簡潔原則來想吧...(可用兩個字表達的不用三個字寫~) 04/13 22:10
dunchee:2. A/D 都對 單純的出題目的人不知道 04/13 23:07
dunchee:http://ppt.cc/2MSr 04/13 23:07
dunchee:找 what you mean(然後讀後頭括弧裡頭的東西) 04/13 23:08
dunchee:找get/understand somebody's meaning(=......) 04/13 23:09