看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Hudson Bay Company had a royal charter that is monopoly in the area where operating costs were low. In addition to keeping any competition out of the area where doing business was the least expensive. their charter also gave them access to long-term credit from bank of England. 求中譯: In addition to keeping any competition out of the area where doing buiness was least expensive. 我的試譯: 此外 維持當地商業活動的競爭力到達一定的消費 ?? 提問: out of 要怎麼翻呢?? 為什麼where 接了一個 doing?? expensive 要怎麼翻譯呢?? 句子怎麼分析呢?? S : keeping ?? or competition 謝謝各位 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
priv:這句話沒有講完的感覺 04/15 21:07
priv:要不要順便提供一下前後文 04/15 21:07
double0077:應該還有後半句吧 area[where doing biz is least...] 04/15 21:08
double0077:在做生意成本最低的那一區 04/15 21:08
priv:「除了保持對來自任何成本較地的地區的競爭力外...」 04/15 21:09
priv:sorry,較低應為最低 04/15 21:10
※ 編輯: think12381 來自: (04/15 21:16)
priv:你沒發現這整句都沒有動詞嗎XD 04/15 21:13
priv:sorry我找到全文了,我的翻譯有錯 04/15 21:15
priv:除了可以把任何競爭者逐出做生意成本最低的地區外 04/15 21:17
priv:keep ... out of 把競爭者排除在外 04/15 21:17
priv:least expensive後面應為逗號不是句號 04/15 21:18
double0077:是否應為 杜絕其他競爭者? 04/15 21:19
think12381:是逗號沒錯 真是厲害 可是我還是不了解這句話 04/15 21:20
priv:除了可以在做生意成本最低的那一區,杜絕其它競爭者外 04/15 21:20
double0077:YES 同意樓樓上 04/15 21:20
priv:感覺好像有比較順:p 04/15 21:20
double0077:我是說樓上 04/15 21:21
double0077:前句同樓上翻譯..後面是說 英國皇家特許狀也給予他們 04/15 21:26
double0077:這家公司長期信貸的通路 04/15 21:26
think12381:monopoly in the area where operating costs were low 04/15 21:28
think12381:是說在這個地區 營運成本很低 04/15 21:29