看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《think12381 ()》之銘言: : The Hudson Bay Company had a royal charter that is monopoly in the area where : operating costs were low. In addition to keeping any competition out of the : area where doing business was the least expensive. their charter also gave : them access to long-term credit from bank of England. : 求中譯: : In addition to keeping any competition out of the area where doing buiness : was least expensive. 分解一下,這個結構是 In addition to A, their charter also ... 除了A以外,他們的特許也可以.... 再來短句加長.. (A -> keeping B out of C 把B排除在C以外) => In addtion to keep B out of C, their charter also .... (B -> any competition 任何競爭者) => In addtion to keep any competition out of the area where D where D是描述the area的關係代名詞子句 D-> doing business was least expensive the area where doing business was least expensive 在做生意最便宜的地區 再來就是把整句串在一起然後潤一下 因為兩個以外沒辦法接,所以原文推文用杜絕就會比較順暢 應該不算太難懂的句子才對 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: priv 來自: (04/15 21:31) ※ 編輯: priv 來自: (04/15 21:31)
think12381:感謝你的詳解~其實這是一段聽力的段子 04/15 21:34