看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. The expert suggested that ___. (A)mankind protect endangered species. (B)the blue whale be the biggest mammal ever living on earth (C)the authority concerned took measured to save wildlife. A:(A) 我看答案寫(B)選項裡的"be"要改成were 但 語法不是 S+ suggest +S +"原V"? 2.Choose the correct sentence. (A)The president insisted that he was not guilty. (B)The king ordered that the criminal put to death. (C)The teacher recommended that each student to read the novel. A:(A) 這題語法不是 S+insist/order/recommend +S + "原V"? 為什麼答案是(A)? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
priv:1. 用原形是因為省略should 05/04 09:51
dunchee:"但 語法不是 S+ suggest +S +"原V"?"-> 有這用法,但是這 05/05 02:13
dunchee:不是唯一的表示法。參考: 05/05 02:14
dunchee:2. "語法不是.....?" -> 同前 05/05 02:14