看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 我們生態村最高宗旨就是致力於環保,減少製造污染並善用大自然的資源。村裡的所有住 : 宅都朝南,並有一個玻璃房,夏天時有助於散熱,冬天時可以保存從陽光中吸收的熱量, : 因此也就都不用安裝空調。建材的話,都是天然的,如貝殼和陶土,另外也用紙磚。電的 : 部分,我們都是利用太陽能發電。家家戶戶也都有蓄水池用來收集雨水。廁所的部分,我 : 們不用沖水,而是用木屑掩蓋的方法,不儘可以讓降低臭味,還可成為有機肥料。生態村 : 就是集環保概念而建造,善加利用資源,來做到環保又節能。 : The Eco-village has most purpose that we should devote to do environmental : protection. We should stop polluting and make good use of nature. All the The ultimate goal of the Eco-village is to protect our fragile environment by using natural resources while reducing man-made pollution. : building in this village face to south and there has a glasses window. In : summer, the glasses window can help heat ventilation .In winter, the glasses Buildings in the village all face toward the south to fully utilize the solar energy. Each building comes with a special house with glass roof and walls. This design facilitates efficient energy utilization in both summers and winters. The dependency on air-conditioning in summers is thus minimized in those buildings. : window can help keep warm. So we don’t have to use air conditioner. All of : materials are nature. For example, shell, argil and paper brick. We use solar : energy to furnish electricity. Every family has reservoir which collects The materials used to constrcut the buildings, for example, clam shells, argils and paper bricks, are all naturally available ones. The electric power is generated from photovoltaic modules so as to reduce the the use of fossil fuels. : rains. About toilet, we don’t flush. It makes use of sawdust which will be : covered. It is not only reduced odor but also becomes organic fertilizer. The Each building is also equipped with a reservoir to collect rain water. Lastly, traditional flush toilets are replaced by environmental-friendly composting processes such as sawdust burial. It not only eliminates the irritating odor but also produces abundant nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. : Eco-village is build of environmental protection idea. It is not only use of : useful resources but also environmental protection and conserves energy. With everything considered, the Eco-village is built around the so-called green concept and has successfully demonstrated that urban development can indeed co-exist with enrivornmental protection. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hoch 來自: (05/05 09:58)
orannge:推! (p.s. typo : construct 05/05 11:06