看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ohbala (噢!我不是拔辣!)》之銘言: 先把文法明顯有錯的挑出來,文意等你修好再說 動詞時態和一個句字不要二個動詞是基本的吧 : Well, there are some factors. It is just come to idea. I was in San Francisco : publicized Lust Caution. I meet an author by Taking Woodstock in TV station. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ met ^^ ???? : We were attending TV program together. When I was make a recording on ^^^^^^^^ : videotape finished, he spends two minute to introduce this story with me. I ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^spent ^^^^ : was interested. When he told me about this story, I was interested for this : idea about 1969 years. Specially, I already make 6 tragedies. It is time to ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ : change I want to make a comedy, and therefore I read original fiction. I have ^^ needs conj ^^冠詞 ^^^^ : decided right now. ^^^^^^^不對 ^^^ away : The Eco-village has most purpose that we should devote to do environmental : protection. We should stop polluting and make good use of nature. All the : building in this village face to south and there has a glasses window. In ^^s ^^^ ^^ : summer, the glasses window can help heat ventilation .In winter, the glasses ^^ ^^ : window can help keep warm. So we don’t have to use air conditioner. All of 而且為什麼玻璃「房」是window? : materials are nature. For example, shell, argil and paper brick. We use solar ^^^^^^ : energy to furnish electricity. Every family has reservoir which collects ^^ a : rains. About toilet, we don’t flush. It makes use of sawdust which will be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : covered. It is not only reduced odor but also becomes organic fertilizer. The ^^^^^^^ ??? ^^ ^^^^^^^ : Eco-village is build of environmental protection idea. It is not only use of ^^^^^^^^^^^ ?? ^^ ^^^ : useful resources but also environmental protection and conserves energy. 你很喜歡在is後面加動詞 ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 要用動詞還是名詞選一個吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: