看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. A restaurant doesn't sell shoes. 2. A restaurant has serve food. 3. People have wear clothes. 4. Animals don't have wear clothes. 5. A child need love,food,care,and toys. 6. A child doesn't need a driver's license. 7. Refrigerators aren't hot inside. 8. Refrigerators are cold inside. 9. A cat have whiskers. 10. A bird doesn't have whiskers. 11. Doctors are take care of sick people. 12. Doctors in my country are expensive. 13. A bus has carry people from one place to another. 14. It is cold today. 15. English is an easy language to learn. 16. People in this city are friendly. 17. It is rain a lot in this city. 出自AZAR的文法書(初級),因為這個部分沒解答(口語練習) 所以有請大大們了,謝謝喔!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
priv:have當助動詞後面不是接原形,be動詞後面也不能接原形 05/05 15:49
priv:2, 3, 4文意根本不通,不曉得原題是啥,不會改 05/05 15:50
priv:這不是不熟的問題,你連基本的都不會喔 05/05 16:03
priv:再看一次吧 05/05 16:03
hansi:2. A restaurant serves food. 05/05 23:41
hansi:厄..看了一下後面幾個,不知道是回答什麼 05/05 23:43