看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The billing clerk was not able to find the invoice ___ the order. a. and b. or 我選A答案是B, 對了答案之後,我馬上舊恍然大悟,的確是B.... 只是選的當下,因為趕時間,所以直覺式選A....囧 因為在學程式的時候, not (A and B) 是常用的東西...囧 表示非A也非B,所以在選這題的時候很直覺地選了and了....囧 我覺得好蠢啊XDDD -- "Every kid who has dreamed of being a baseball player has stood in his front yard with a bat and said to himself, "Bottom of the ninth, Game 7 of the World Series, the bases are loaded," and then envisioned hitting a home run to win the game. My job is to shatter that dream." By Huston Street -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hansi:怎麼覺得是nor 09/04 23:04
A1pha:其實我也覺得是nor比較順,但是沒有nor的選項XD 09/04 23:09
hansi:not(A and B)不是""非A也非B""吧..是"非A或非B" 09/04 23:11
hansi:not(A or B) 才會產生任一個都不會發生的結果 09/04 23:13