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※ 引述《endlesssad (無盡傷悲)》之銘言: : Tips for A Better Sleep : It is important to have a wonderful beginning in the morning. Therefore, : we should take a good sleep the night before so tha we can get up early. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that 這邊很拗口的感覺,前一晚應該不用強調吧... we should take a good night's sleep so that we can get up early. (應該這樣比較順? 雖然我覺得邏輯還是怪怪的) : How to sleep well all night? First, don't take whatever bothers us in : daytime with us into sleep. Relaxing can help everyone to have a good dream. : Second, if it is hard to fall asleep, drinking a glass if milk is a useful way of A suggestion: Do spell check in Word. : according to doctor's advice. Furtheremore, music can also let us calm down. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ help is better Futhermore : Before sleeping, remember to choose a beautiful song which you like. Besides, 這邊上下句太牽強,建議再潤一下 : it is said that we had better not to watch horrible programs in the evening. ^^^^^^^^ horror horrible programs是很爛的節目 : It is easy to get a nightmare. Above of all, if those methods can't solve : our sleeping problems, we should ask for help by a doctor instead of taking ^^ by是錯的 try "ask a doctor for advice" : medicicne by ourselves. Having a bad sleep will ruin or health. Everyone ^^^^^^^^^ again... : should take it seriously to change the bad sleep. : Ignoring tiny infection may cause incredible outcome such as the famous : theory "Butterfly Effect." We should take it seriously as having a good sleep 蝴蝶效應好像不是這個意思 ^^ 怪怪的 : because we obtain the energy we need for a day from that. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
endlesssad:非常感謝 09/14 16:37
priv:可能我太挑毛病,蝴蝶效應這邊應該還ok啦 09/14 16:40
priv:剛剛又仔細想了一下 09/14 16:40