看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Acction (SNAKE)》之銘言: : 因為上個月認真的準備考公股銀行,專業考近滿分..卻因為英文考30幾分... : 所以沒上,真的很難過… : 我的英文程度看大家說英語ok,目前程度應該只有高一吧... : 一直有在文化大學推廣教育部上英文會話課,上到2級了(1級是入門) : 但因為一星期只有上一天(2.5小時),加上平常沒在看英文,所以進步超級慢.. : 這一次的打擊讓我想認真學英文。所以有想去上LTTC的綜合班。 : 之前有上過LTTC第一級,後來沒繼續上。 : 如果要再上的話,LTTC一星期有三天,再加上文大推廣部的課,一星期可以上到 : 四天的英文課(晚上時段)。 : 但這些課都是偏向會話課程,較少有文法、閱讀等訓練(我的目標是明年的銀行考試 : ,希望英文能考個六~七十分甚至更高!!) : 所以不知應該去上LTTC的課會比較有用呢? : 還是自己買長春騰生活美語的雜誌來看+讀AZAR的文法書,會比較有效?? : 我目前有在上班,只有晚上及假日(隔週休)可以看英文。 : 不知道那一種方法比較適合我的情形?? : 而一年的時間,有可能提升到考出七十分的成績嗎?? : 拜託各位高手幫忙解答了> <" 以下是考試試題: 一、字彙 1.Japan and the United States spend 3.3 percent and 2.7 percent of GDP on state R&D,_____ according to the OECD. (1)collectively (2)gorgeously (3)outrageously (4)respectively ans is (4) 2.I would like to express my sincere _____ for your kindness. (1)graduation (2)grand (3)gratitude (4)grasp ans is (3) 3.I don't want to have a _____ check on my record. (1)bounded (2)boulder (3)bout (4)bounced 4.Every visitor to the small town is overwhelmed by the kindness,charm and _____ of the people. (1)hospital (2)hospitality (3)hospice (4)hospitable 5.Employees make regular _____ to charity. (1)dominant (2)donations (3)demonstration (4)dominance 二、文法測驗 1.The former mayor _____ three years ago. (1)have been stepping down (2)stepping down (3)has stepped down (4)stepped down 2.They thought that _____ were unimportant,easy tasks. (1)cook and housekeeper (2)cooking and housekeeping (3)cook and housekeep (4)to cook and housekeep 3.Many people were killed in the floods _____ when a typhoon hit. (1)caused (2)causing (3)which caused (4)was caused 4.The demonstrators have now made a direct challenge _____ the government. (1)in the authority of (2)in the rights of (3)to the rights of (4)to the authority of 5.It's been a beautiful evening and you have made it all _____. (1)possible (2)being possible (3)become possible (4)has been possible 三、克漏字 The situation of job security varies from country to country,but in today's economy,there is generally less job security worldwide. Even in Japan, where people traditionally had a very secure job for life,there is now no ____ of a lifetime job with the same company. One reason for the lack of job security is the worldwide ____ in manufacturing jobs. Another reason is employer's need to hold down ____. This has resulted in two enormous changes for the workforce. First, employers are creating more and more ____ jobs because they don't need to pay health insurance or other benefits to employees in these positions. Second,more and more companies are ____. In other words,they are sending work to other areas of the country or other countries where labor is cheaper. (1)wonder 2)idea 3)promise 4)secure (1)increase 2)decrease 3)promotion 4)gains (1)sales 2)investments 3)supplements 4)costs (1)temporary 2)permanent 3)contemporary 4)full-time (1)outsourcing 2)moving 3)promoting 4)declining 四、閱讀測驗 Comic book collectors who are serious (like me) are known as "hard-core" collectors. There are, so one hobby magazine recently stated, tens of thousand of ordinary collectors, but only a few thousand hard-core ones. And for us, the problem is not just collecting-but keeping.Comic books were printed on very cheap paper using terrible techniques of production. Put a valuable comic book in the sun, and it may be ruined in a matter of hours. Store it improperly in a damp placem, and it may be ruined in a matter of months or a few years,The answer is store them properly and thus save your collection. 註:閱讀測驗的文章共有三段,我只打一段..實在太多了> <" 若不夠的話,我可再行補上後兩段。 另外一、二、三的題目我只選部分po上來,每大題共有七~八題。 有請各位高手們幫忙看看,像這樣的公股銀行題目,我應該如何加強,才能 考到60~70的分數呢...(總共有25題,我只答對5題= =!!) 但我英文程度明明看得懂簡單會話、大家說英語,怎會考的如此爛呢!? 這種題目我有需要去補習嗎?(ex LTTC綜合班) 或自已看長春騰雜誌+文法書呢? 還是有更好的方法,拜託大家了...感激不盡> <" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wed3qla:這大概是英檢中級 12/07 22:16
wed3qla:可從市面上相關書籍開始準備 12/07 22:17
Acction:請問市面上相關書籍是指?我目前只看的懂長春騰生活美語 12/07 22:24
Acction:若讀該雜誌行的通嗎?應讀到那個程度呢?一年夠嗎?? 12/07 22:25
cerenis:我建議你找家教指定字彙書跟文法書去看,累積一定問題後再 12/07 22:50
cerenis:請教對方即可。另外英檢中級就到有到這種程度嗎,我覺得 12/07 22:51
cerenis:如果是我的話我只會讀考古題,把每個字都查清楚應該就可以 12/07 22:53
sonico:我想問第一題為什麼是4不是1 @@a 12/08 11:29
Acction:我也不會,那是正確答案.. 12/08 12:10
aweful:因為respectively是分別地的意思 12/08 15:33
piggymiler:respectivelt是個別的分別的 你可以往多益方向準備 12/08 15:38
piggymiler:感覺類別和你考的這些題庫是相似的找國際學村之類的書 12/08 15:39
Acction:請問國際學村之類的書是指什麼書呀?是否有建議的書呢? 12/08 22:42
Acction:原來文法第四題是考詞性..我還以為是考片語= =!! 12/08 22:46
cerenis:文法第四題不是考詞性,頂多是介係詞用法/慣用法。 12/08 23:40