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※ 引述《UNICORN81 (ALL OR NOTHING)》之銘言: : 周杰倫的青鋒俠 The Green Hornet : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiEqSHNjetk&feature=related
: http://article.wn.com/view/2011/01/14/Seth_Rogen_cowrote_script_for_The_Green_Hornet/ : 上面是預告片網址 有中文字幕 : 但有一些我聽不懂 : This is what you want on your life? Drink? I spent all night writing about ^^ out of : the corruption of this ○○○. And you do nothing. For tody's top story, town : newspaper mobile ○○○ was found dead. His son 繼承 his media empire. I'm ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ James Reid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ X mogul , leaving his son in charge of : sorry to hear about your father. ○○○thinking i have't done anything good Now that he's gone I'm thinking : my whole life. I am not sure what I should do. Wonna see something cool? Wow, : you do that? What do you think my brother? He was a complex man. Think about ^^ did ^^^^^^^^^^ of my father : this, Kato. We've been completely wasting our potential. The city needs our ^^^ This : help. We can be heros. We will pose ○○ ○○ to get close to the bad guys. ^^^ could as villains : That way, no one will suspect us we were really good guys. Will you come with : me on this adventure? Yes! What do we call ○○○? "The Green Hornet ." I am ^ Ok. him : Kath. I am your secretary. Perfect! I want the head of the green hornet. I ^^^^ Lenore Case , and ^^ : want it tonight. You are human 瑞士刀. There conldn't be anymore then new Swiss Army knife ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just When you think there couldn't be : things come out. What's this? ○○ gun. ○○ work? Let's ○○, Kato. Red any more cool things, a new thing comes out. What's this? It's a gas gun. How does it even work? Hey, ok. Let's roll, Kato. : light! Stop! Stop! The camera got us. Can I shoot one? ^^^ X : 圈圈的部分是我聽比較不清楚 不敢確定的 : 想請教耳朵好的鄉民XDDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: priv 來自: (01/20 16:02)
buzz1067:第一個I'm有 01/20 16:09
priv:有可能本來的句子有但是被切掉一半了,聽不到完整的I'm 01/20 16:15
UNICORN81:感謝!!!! 01/21 11:38