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最近要安排跨國的電話面談時間 但是我不太清楚如何清楚的表達 時區不同 以下是我的句子 We're living Taiwan right now. We follow the time zone, UTC+8, as same as Perth. 接下來如果我要說 台灣比布里斯本晚兩小時 也就是台灣是UTC+8 布里斯本是+10 有哪樣的表達方式是比較清晰明瞭的 而又在跨國信件往來中 我該如何安排一個時間 作為基準時? 先誠摯感謝您的撥冗閱讀與回應 --   "Economics is a science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses."                                Robbins(1932) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
heziying:We're living in Taiwan right now. Our time zone is 03/19 12:05
heziying:UTC+8, same as Perth. Taiwan is two hours behind 03/19 12:06
heziying:Brisbane. 03/19 12:06
heziying:也可以說Taiwan time is two hours behind Brisbane time 03/19 12:07
SLAC:謝啦 03/20 17:26