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※ 引述《cronaldo17 (cronaldo)》之銘言: : A person dressed in a costume near a busy street, waving to drivers and : usuaully holding a sign with a deal to a pizza place, hair salon or even : a tax service. 此句文法是完全正確的用法。 根據文法書 Understanding and Using English Grammar 第4版的第18章, 這個句子文法叫做:Reduction of Adverb Clause to Modifying Adverbial Phrases http://www.kouline.com/englishgrammar/ESL-54P19.html 有兩種不同的狀況可以使用此技巧: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) If there is a "be" form of the verb, omit the subject of the dependent clause and "be" verb. (參照例句1) 2.) If there is no "be" form of the a verb, omit the subject and change the verb to -ing. (參照例句2) 例句1: While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend. 經修飾後: While walking to class, I ran into an old friend. 例句2: Before I left for work, I ate breakfast. 經修飾後:Before leaving for work, I ate breakfast. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 只要兩個句子的主詞是同一個,即可省略be動詞,並將動詞改成-ing形態。 無論原句的時態為何,皆可改成-ing形態。 所以你提供的句子經過還原應該會是變成兩句: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) A person (who is) dressed in a costume near a busy street. 2.) (The person) waves to drivers and usuaully holds a sign with a deal to a pizza place, hair salon or even a tax service. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 更深入的解釋及不同用法可參照 Understanding and Using English Grammar 第4版 這本書很實用又明瞭清楚,讓我獲得極大的幫助。 另外,若兩個句子的主詞不一樣,其實也是可以使用此技巧經過修飾。 不過原則有些不一樣,要使用一些輔助字眼。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: habodaha 來自: (04/17 01:07)
hommequiaime:老兄 你看錯了吧 還原的話那連接詞呢? 04/17 22:33
habodaha:分為兩個句子為何需要連接詞呢? 04/18 04:09
shousaki:這句跟你講的狀況不一樣吧 你舉的2個例句經修飾後 04/19 01:38
shousaki:還是要有動詞 但是原原PO的句子裡是沒有動詞 04/19 01:40
shousaki:這句應該就是如原原PO文章裡D大的推文所說 04/19 01:41
shousaki:漏了前面的部分We’ve all seen one: 04/19 01:43
shousaki:a person dressed....整個是一個名詞片語 當one的同位語 04/19 02:04
A person dressed in a costume near a busy street. = A person (who is) dressed in a costume near a busy street. 根據文法書 Understanding and Using English Grammar 第4版的第13章第11節, 這個句子文法叫做:Reducing Adjective Clauses to Adjective Phrases 請見圖片(f)例句。http://ppt.cc/i4;N 或見:http://www.testyourenglish.net/english-online/subjects/relreduct.html 網址的最後兩個例句。 1.) The house painted in red is where John lives. = The house (which is) painted in red is where John lives. 2.) People invited are expected to be formally dressed for the occasion. = People (who are) invited are expected to be formally dressed for the occasion. 原PO給的句子融合了兩種句型,句子結構才會看起來是那樣。 無論 We've all seen one: 有沒有被省略,此句的文法也會是完全正確的。 更深入的技巧 Understanding and Using English Grammar 裡都有說到。 ※ 編輯: habodaha 來自: (04/19 08:51)
stu60912:分詞片語和分詞構句裡的分詞都不是動詞,所以原句無動詞 04/19 23:57
habodaha:謝謝你。我今天問過老師,的確少了前面那句會不完整結構 04/20 05:34