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※ [本文轉錄自 Translation 看板 #1Es8uMus ] 作者: Kalovi (Teen Top崔勾!) 看板: Translation 標題: [英中] 政府再造文章的一些句子(上) 時間: Fri Dec 2 16:36:34 2011 1.That implicitly demands that Congress give up its penchant for tinkering with the bureaucracy and leave more of managemant to the managers. 那暗示要求國會不用再汲汲於和官僚修補關係,而是把更多的管理留給管理者。 2.Together they constitute a surprisingly robust body of thinking with significant implications that sweep far beyond the NPR. 一些深具重要意義和深度的想法在NPR之外顯現出來,需要一起探討。 3.There frequently is little private competition in most public funtions 公共職能裡經常是沒什麼私人競爭的。 4.The reinventers have also engaged in the folly that technocratic strategies "can somehow short-circuit the political process and be made precise and unambiguous." 再造者也從事技術專家策略的蠢事,那能讓政治過程有點短路卻也正確和明白。 5.Many of the points that the theorists argued represent problems in theory more than practice. 理論家爭論的有很多是理論問題多於實務問題。 6.Its spirit of reform happily collected disparate ideas wherever the reformers found ideas they judged useful. 無論何處,只要改革派找到他們覺得有用的理念,就會樂得將那些不同的理念納為己用 以成為改革精神。 7.The actions of the NPR have moved far in advance of the theory. NPR行動遠遠走在理論前方。 8.On many fronts, the NPR has had to blaze its own trail. 很多面向上,NPR必須走出自己的一條路。 9.The academic community needs to work hard to get back in front of the innovation curve. 學術界需要努力從創新曲線前面回來。 10.That, in turn, has fueled the sense of adhocracy that has often pervaded the NPR,a sense which has only been increased by the frenzy of activity accompanying the reform. 那依次引發了盛行於NPR的靈活組織概念,而此概念會由伴隨改革的活動狂熱而增加。 11.It is neither the fad that its critics condemn nor the fountainhead of reform that its proponents contend. 這既不是批評者譴責的時尚也不是支持者爭辯的改革動機。 12.Create an explicit strategy for inducing cynical or busy executives to join the small-politics battles. 創造一個清楚的策略去誘使憤世嫉俗或忙碌的行政人員加入小政治的戰鬥。 以上都是自己翻的, 請指教, 謝謝。 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Kalovi 來自: (12/02 16:38) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Kalovi (, 時間: 12/02/2011 16:39:04