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※ 引述《blueheaven07 (...)》之銘言: : spouses back home (who have access to billing records) can help too. Spouses can help too. They have access to billing records. => Spouses(who have access to billing records) can help too. 關係代名詞限定用法 => Spouses (back home) (who have access to billing records) can help too. : 這句話的文法結構是怎樣?? : access是名詞?? : 為什麼to後面的billing是動詞嗎?? to是介係詞,後接名詞 : 如果是為什麼可以加ing?? 現在分詞當形容詞用 : back home有待在家裡的意思?? : 前句是: : I left my wallet sitting on the hood of a rental car once. : what to do: Call your card issrers as soon as you can. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: priv 來自: (12/08 16:16)