看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
覺得不是好題目 1. 看不出來要考的東西的一致性,不曉得他的理念是什麼,太零散 2. 走火入魔,對學生程度沒什麼幫助 ※ 引述《dghd (幸福有這麼困難?)》之銘言: : 選一個對的句子 : (A) Who is the hadsome man that you are talking? 錯誤,talk為不及物動詞,缺介係詞 : (B) Who is the tall girl in pink over there? : (C) I lent him the books which was bought in bookstore last week. 錯誤,books,複數,應用which were : (D) Here comes the history teacher in black glasses. B和D我實在看不出明顯的錯誤,請其它高手補充吧 : 選一個對的句子 : (A) When did Lisa give back the DVD that you lent it to her two weeks ago? 不要it : (B) The hotel we're going to stay is across from the police station. across, not across from : (C) Paris which is visited by a lot of peaple is famous for its art. 要使用補述型的非限定用法,否則語意會有問題 Paris, which is visited by a lot of people, is famous for its art. : (D) Dad forgot to give Vicky the gift he bought for her yesterday. 應該是對的 : 國中英文... : 但是我覺得好難 到底哪個是對的? = =" : 請教答案 並請教錯在哪 感激~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: priv 來自: (12/08 16:46)
OUCHRUSH:(D)with black glasses 12/08 17:20
dghd:感謝二位~~ 12/08 17:50
PirateTORO:(b) stay "in" the hotel 應該是缺介系詞 12/08 22:22
dghd:嗯...across from = 在對面 應該沒有錯@@ 12/08 23:52
dunkjames:3F正確 12/08 23:55
dunkjames:talking "to" 12/08 23:57