看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛在看旋元佑的文法書中的名詞子句的部份有點疑問.. 書中說到that名詞子句不可以放在介係詞後面當介係詞的受詞. 如果要這麼做就要改用同位格的方式處理. Ex: His response dwells on the fact -- (1) I owe him a favor -- (2) 合併後會變成 His response dwells on the fact that I owe him a favor. 想請問這句可以再改寫成 His response dwells that I owe him a favor嗎? 如果不行的話原因又是什麼呢? 會有這個疑問是因為在書中講述這段之前有個小section在講"不明顯的同位格"有提到 I am afraid of that thing. I can't help you. 合併後如下 ==> I am afraid of that thing that I can't help you. ==> I am afraid that I can't help you. (省略of that thing) 所以才產生His response dwells on...能否省略on, dwells直接接that子句的疑問。 ※ 編輯: B1ack3y3 來自: (01/06 17:17)
l10nel:不同的字(動詞、形容詞)有不同的搭配規則,afraid 後可加 01/06 18:30
l10nel:介詞,也可加 that 子句,但 dwell 只能加介詞 on 或 in, 01/06 18:31
l10nel:故需要多用 on the fact 幾個字來達到接 that 子句的目的 01/06 18:32