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※ 引述《appletv (onionlover)》之銘言: : 我表妹拿了一些閱考英文題目問我 : 以下是一些我無法回答的問題 : 請各位幫忙解答 感謝喔 :) : 1.Both _____ will help me clean up the room. : a. you and they b.the couple : 我選a 但是答案b. : 2.Don't ask for other people's help. Try to find the answer ____. : a.on your own b.by yourself : 答案a 但是為何不能選b ?? : 3.i saw some birds singing ___the tree. : a. on b. in : 我覺得都可以 但是答案是b. : thanks a lot! 你的問題如果要追根究柢,可以從相關資料比對就會有結果了。第一題的選項A 可否為答 案,請參考 [1][2][3][4]。第二題可直接從字典、文法書及用法書裡的定義下手[5][6], 兩個選項有意義重疊,都有 "不受別人幫助"的意涵 。第三題是關於空間概念,有一說法: "in" 強調樹的內部,"on"表示樹的上方,確實有時很難界定,如一隻猴子身體一半露出樹 葉外,一半則在樹葉下,該怎麼區分?身為動物的鳥似乎也符合這個邏輯。另外,與其說 "in the tree" 是自然的說法,不如把情境加入更客觀些。"Birds are singing in the tree." [7][8][9]。當然偶而會有人同樣情境用 "on the tree" [10]。 至於其它情境,如 snow [11]ribbon [12]leaf [13] [14]fruit [15] 等,常出現 "on the tree"。綜觀來說,也許可區分為動態與靜態,就留給你自己判斷了。所以這三個 題目,就跟一般考試題目一樣,值得商榷。 [1] People who don't agree can stay or leave. I don't want to trick them with promises. I think that's rude. People must know their potential. Otherwise, both you and they are in trouble, but they more than you. (NY Times, April 18, 1982) [2] Fifty years later, we can feel Queenan's rage as he describes yet another "ritualistic act of stripping your offspring and whipping them across the buttocks and thighs with a thick leather belt so that they scream and plead and bleed and stay marked for days and wish both you and they were dead." (NY Times, April 24, 2009) [3] Visiting places like George Washington's Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson's Monticello are great educational experiences, but the young ones won't think all that 18th-century furniture is particularly cool. Accordingly, this itinerary takes you to three areas where both you and they will be entertained. (NY Times) [4] So, what condition is your mission statement in? Do you have one? Have you seen it lately? Are your employees aware of it? Are both you and they working to fulfill the mission statement? (USA Today January 7, 2009) [5] 1. by yourself : without others : alone (5A) The new law will help, but it can't solve the problem (all) by itself. (5B) You shouldn't lift that heavy box (all) by yourself. Let me help you. (Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary) 2. By myself/yourself etc means 'alone, without company' or 'without help'. (5C) I like to spend time by myself. (5D) Do you need help? ~ No, thanks. I can do it by myself. (Practical English Usage by Michael Swan) 3. Reflexive pronouns, with or without the preposition by, are also used to mean 'alone, from one's own resources, without help': (5E) I think it would be better if you did it yourself. (5F) He did it all by himself. (Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide by Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy) [6] on your own: 1 : without being helped by anyone or anything (6A) No one had to tell me; I found out on my own. (6B) I came up with the idea all on my own. 2 a : without anyone or anything else : alone (6C) She lived on her own for a few years before getting married. 2b : in a state or condition in which there is nobody to help you (6D) They can't survive on their own in the wilderness. (Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary) [7] But the garden is not just the grass to be mown and the straggle of weeds to be pulled from between the paving, but also the sky and the rain and the birds singing in the trees - our birds, our trees and our sky and rain. (Guardian, 2 May 2004) [8] On a summer morning the track is a delight to ride, the birds are singing in the trees that line the stretch below Kelston, the waterfowl on the river are busy in the care of their chicks and the occasional fox slinks across the track ahead of one. (Guardian, 15 February 2008) [9] My father was a soldier. After he died, somebody who had served with him said to me, 'When your father walked on to the parade ground the birds in the trees stopped singing.' Was I close to him? No. Nobody was (Guardian, 23 January 2005) [10] The song is a melodic lament by a poor wanderer, the title character, whose name roughly translates as Joe Schacher, about the unfairness of life and the rewards awaiting him in heaven. The lyrics go, in part: The world is a turbulent place. I've observed it many times: People hurt each other just because of that damned money. How beautiful it could be down here. The bird on the tree sings, ''Look at your land, isn't Switzerland a dream?'' (NY Times, October 8, 2008) [11] After crossing the Stone Bridge, I took a right turn on a trail that follows Bull Run. The trail is wide and is located on the flood plain of Bull Run. The snow on the trees glistened in the morning sunlight while much of the trail was free of snow. (Washington Post, January 11, 2012) [12] A black ribbon now hangs on the tree, next to the yellow one the Colgans had attached earlier in the hopes he would return safely from Iraq. (Time, December 29, 2003) [13] The peacock strutted off into the bush, leaves shivered on the trees, the lone village street light sputtered to life, and, as if on cue, there was a single trumpet blast of thunder. (Guardian, 12 August 1999) [14] He embodies the paradox of the sort of spiritual fervor that, while ostensibly surrendering itself to a Larger Power, borders on megalomania: every cloud in the sky, every leaf on the tree, serves as a personal signal corroborating his uncompromising judgments. (Time, December 4, 1995) [15] He excites her forbidden desire, saying to her, "G-d has made the fruit on the tree of knowledge of good and evil forbidden because He fears that if you consume it you will obtain His powers and become divine." (Huffington Post, January 6, 2012) 希望以上對你有幫助 : ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Chengheong: 01/27 07:01
hohehehohehe:很清楚的例子 謝謝:) 01/28 00:34