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"It's a huge adrenaline rush. I mean, I never done no drugs, but I think I could guess it'd be the closest thing, you could say," Colletti says. [1] 請問句中『I never done no drugs』是不是省略了have? [2] 此句文法完全正確嗎? [3] 句中有很多逗點。有省略關係代名詞嗎? 謝謝指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bunnies:it should be "I've never done drugs" 03/21 11:51
bunnies:but some people will say it that way, the no there 03/21 11:52
bunnies:is for emphasizing, even though its not grammatically 03/21 11:53
bunnies:correct 03/21 11:53