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But just months later there were other suspicious episodes that suggested that the intelligence communities concern about Iran was well placed. 請問第二行,倒數第三個字 was的主詞是誰? 這句話小複雜,分析不出來。 請指教。謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ely6231:the concern 03/27 22:55
謝謝。再請問,the communities concern, communities名詞當形容詞,不是要用單數名詞嗎? 這裡用複數,沒有問題嗎?
dunchee:http://tinyurl.com/cvelznj 找the intelligence 03/27 23:16
dunchee:community's concern 03/27 23:16
dunchee:你看到的文章的"source"有可能是出自transcript,而NPR 03/27 23:17
dunchee:的transcript -->其實這類的都會有這類說明: 03/27 23:17
ely6231:the intelligence community's concern 應該是筆誤 03/27 23:18
dunchee:http://tinyurl.com/clux46y 文章最後找: 03/27 23:21
dunchee:NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline .... 03/27 23:22
dunchee:畢竟他們主要是'radio',之後的文字是另外"趕"出來的,所 03/27 23:23
dunchee:以容易有typo (而且看樣子NPR的文章似乎不是用單一的 03/27 23:24
dunchee:source,很容易看到不同地方的同文章出現不同的筆誤 03/27 23:24
dunchee:www.npr.org/templates/corrections/corrections.php 03/27 23:26
dunchee:(簡單說就是typos這類小錯誤不會去動) 03/27 23:27
謝謝指導。 ^^ ※ 編輯: eebarry 來自: (03/28 06:31)
sneak: (簡單說就是typos https://muxiv.com 08/06 07:19
sneak: https://daxiv.com 09/06 23:47
sneak: www.npr.org https://muxiv.com 12/02 18:11
muxiv: //muxiv.com http://yofuk.com 04/13 22:26