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※ 引述《stukpe (風)》之銘言: : 查了文馨的字典 : The poster fell down. 海報掉下來了 : My hat fell off. 我的帽子掉下來了 : 想問一下,為何一個用down,一個用off,是否兩個都可以用down或者都用off呢? : The boy fell off the bicycle. 男孩從腳踏車上摔下來 : The blossoms are falling from the tree. 花正從樹上掉下來 : 兩個都有從..掉落意思,為何一個用off,一個用from呢? : The boy fell off the bicycle. 這句可不可以用from呢? : 不過我好像看過的都是用off 從字義來看,down動力偏向下from 偏離心off偏脫離。不過搭配不同的情境,會產 生不同的結果,這就需要更細的比對,你可以多花時間尋找實際運用的情形觀察,相信會 有許多收穫。因為你的問題涵蓋甚廣,這裡只能縮小到你舉的bike的上下文情境初步比較 一下 fall down/from/off the bike。以搭配的頻率而言 fall off the bike [1][2][3][4][5] > fall from the bike [6][7] ,而 fall down 至少在以下知名的刊物沒有找到符合的例子,也許對此用法在此情境要持保留的態度。 所以你說看過都是用fall off the bike也是因為搭配頻率的緣故。 [1] He hit a pothole in the alley, about 15 feet east of 150th Street, fell off the bike and died before medical technicians arrived, the police said. (NY Times, July 30, 2004) [2] While he was riding in the bike lane on Venice Boulevard, a taxi abruptly pulled out in front of him. He swerved, fell off the bike and broke his elbow. (NY Times, July 26, 2010) [3] "If you worried about falling off the bike, you'd never get on." Lance Armstrong, pro cyclist (Independent, 29 June 2011) [4] When a young boy falls off his bike, the caring parent urges him to get straight back on so that, before fear embeds itself, he realises that he really can do this cycling thing. But what about when a young boy falls off his bike because his bike is made of paper and came from a Christmas cracker and the pedals are broken and the saddle is soiled with stains of a suspicious nature? (Guardian, 6 March 2012) [5] A 73-year-old man who fell off his bicycle has died of his injuries, police said Tuesday. Victor Antony Zovi of Costa Mesa was in the bike lane riding down a steep stretch of Newport Coast Drive about 10:30 a.m. Friday when he lost control and fell, police said. (LA Times, December 27, 2006) [6] A spokesperson for Italian confectionery company Ferrero SpA confirmed today that their joint chief executive Pietro Ferrero has died in an accident in South Africa. The 47-year-old father of three was traveling for business when he reportedly fainted and fell from his bicycle during a routine ride. (CNN, April 18th, 2011) [7] The 12-year-old was on the back of Mr Morrow's motorbike when it crashed. He was not wearing a helmet. The accident happened at Mountcoole Park in north Belfast on Sunday. A lawyer said his client had taken Daniel for a ride because he was his favourite among a group of children. The schoolboy died from head injuries sustained after falling from the bike he was riding pillion on. (BBC, 20 May 2011) 希望以上對你有所幫助 :) -- Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/EnglishFocus -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: