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※ 引述《luckyboy30 (ly)》之銘言: : 在英文文法 賴世雄著裡面提到 : find think believe deem condsider 作不完全及物動詞時 : 不可引導名詞子句 要用it 取代 : I find that he sings so well wonderful . (x) : 需更改 → I find it wonderful that he sings so well. (o) : 疑問是第一句 文法有錯誤嗎? 當及物動詞使用不是沒錯嗎? : 不清楚 it取代的使用時機 : 還麻煩大大幫忙解惑 : 感謝!! I find that he sings so well wonderful. 這一句去掉 wonderful 就沒問題了。 I find that he sings so well. 使用 it 主要都是修辭的技巧。粗略來說,在長句中通常用來避免頭重腳輕 (簡單說 就是動詞的內容太長 [1],或為了延伸內容 [2])。不過it的使用也不妨也可以視為 具有緩和功能 (也就是增加聽者對內容的期待 [3]增加懸疑 [4] 等)。 當然一句話裡可能同時具備以上多項特點。 [1] With the mass of evidence showing that our planet is in dire straits, I find it unbelievable that wealthy (and presumably intelligent and educated) people still buy SUVs for town use when they burn so much more fuel than smaller cars. Do those people simply not care about their children's and grandchildren's future? (Time, Apr. 20, 2006) [2] We feel it important to meet with those with whom we disagree to discuss their concerns face to face. (NY Times, November 9, 2009) 延伸的部分 with whom we disagree to discuss their concerns face to face [3] Many readers have found it strange, even off-putting, that Mr.Naipaul, born in Trinidad of Indian parents, should find so little personal allegiance to India, and some critics have argued that he works in third-world stereotypes. (NY Times, October 12, 2001) [4] A doctor sent to sign the death certificate found it strange that his body was warm. At closer observation she discovered he was still alive. His mother fainted upon hearing the good news. With the doctor's assistance, both al-Nubi and his mother were awakened and soon were celebrating with guests. (Guardian, May 12 2012) 以上希望對你有幫助 :) -- The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to take the turn. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/EnglishFocus -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
faldo:「動詞的內容」→「受詞」 05/24 01:49
EngLearner:我指的動詞內容不是侷限在受詞 也不應該只看成受詞 05/24 04:28
EngLearner:所以這裡我無法用受詞來代表我所要表達的概念 05/24 04:32
zofloya:S V O OC-->受詞太長-->虛受詞it。 05/24 07:15
luckyboy30:感謝各位幫忙解答!! 受益良多 05/24 07:58
ntust661:推!!!! 05/24 08:09
EngLearner:長短應該為相對而非絕對 其實可以不必執著在這點上 05/24 08:58
EngLearner:At school, I found it hard to concentrate. 05/24 08:59
EngLearner:Words seemed to be jumbled up on the page and 05/24 09:00
EngLearner: I found it hard to follow instructions. 05/24 09:01
EngLearner:出處 Guardian 17 April 2007 05/24 09:04
EngLearner:這裡都算"短"的。類似的類子非常多,所以可多注重其它 05/24 09:05
EngLearner:功能性,會更客觀些,一點淺見 :) 05/24 09:06
zofloya:所以受詞太長-->虛受詞(it);受詞短-->用不用你高興就好 05/24 14:04
zofloya:是不用執著,不過受詞超過一行以上,建議用虛受詞 05/24 14:05
tijj:我同意EngLearner大 觀念很正確 05/24 17:44
sneak: At school, https://noxiv.com 08/06 07:28
sneak: 長短應該為相對而非絕對 https://daxiv.com 09/06 23:53
sneak: //noxiv.com https://daxiv.com 12/02 18:14
muxiv: 我同意EngLearn http://yofuk.com 04/13 22:30