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※ 引述《applecatdog (阿伶)》之銘言: : 不好意思,因為第一次發表文章,有些基本英文不太了解 : (麻煩大家)我想請問一下 : 1.我如果要講攝氏40度C,英文應該怎麼說? 請附上下文。 不然就 forty degrees Celcius : 2.還有,我上台開頭應該怎麼跟大家問好? : (台下有學生及教授) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am very happy to be given the opportunity to present my latest research. : 3.我來自哪個學校直接講 I am come from ....嗎? My name is Apple Catdog. I come from National Taiwan University. : 4.大綱分成4部份 (這句英文該怎麼說?) 其實個人覺得不需要講「大綱分為幾部分」這種贅句。不過你真要說的話, Today's presentation is divided into four parts: the history of the discovery of GPCR, why GPCR is important, what I have done in this field, and finally, a brief conclusion. : 謝謝大家! : 因為從沒出去參加過英文的研討會,所以想請教大家!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noonee:大綱的部份可以講的在隨性自然一點 10/12 09:04
noonee:一種講法是: first I will tell you "first section".... 10/12 09:05
noonee:另一種是直接先大略直接切入講背景和最直接的問題 10/12 09:06
noonee:用問題來引出大綱結構 然後說I will tell you the detail.. 10/12 09:07
tijj:若覺得講ladies and gentlemen不習慣, 講hi everyone也可以 10/12 09:47
TOYHAHA:那假如是3x10^8 m/s 要怎說阿? 10/12 11:47
shiningspark:three times ten to the power of eight?? 10/12 15:15
tijj:three hundred megameters per sec 10/12 15:20
applecatdog:感謝您們!!讓我有方向準備~ 10/12 15:25
applecatdog:原來幾度C的是用drgree(我以為這是角度的度) 10/12 15:34
applecatdog:上下文是,把溫度調到40度C時,穿透率最高 10/12 15:35
TOYHAHA:謝謝兩位的推文幫我解答 10/12 17:09
sneak: 原來幾度C的是用drg https://noxiv.com 08/06 07:47
sneak: 那假如是3x10^8 https://daxiv.com 09/07 00:06
sneak: 謝謝兩位的推文幫我解答 https://muxiv.com 12/02 18:23
muxiv: first I wil https://muxiv.com 04/13 22:41