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※ 引述《m13579 (瑪利亞)》之銘言: : 因為要推甄所以希望各位大大可以幫我看一下 : 以下為一分鐘的自介 : My name is XXX, a student of OO university who major in Public Finance. : As a student learning in the department of Public Finance. I have strong 以上這句沒有動詞。 : interest in economy, accounting and tax. Especially tax is the most field 看起來原 po 是政大財政學系高材生。我不曉得你們自己領域的人是怎樣用英文 稱呼「稅務」,不過我覺得「I have interest in economy ... tax」好像很怪。 「I have strong interest in taxation studies....」 會不會好一點? 另外,economy 是經濟活動,economics 是經濟學。兩者是不一樣的。 「I have strong interest in economy」聽起來好像是你對炒股票之類的 很有興趣。 : I want to do research on. And tax is also the focus of my department which : different from other departments. Beside my major, I also study Japanese 你很愛用關係代名詞子句,例如 "Tax is the focus of my department which different from other departments",個人覺得這類用法很不順。沒事 不需要一天到晚 "which" .... 改成這樣 (舉例): Unlike other schools in the same field, NCCU's department of public finance is highly regarded for its achievements in taxation studies. "I also study Japanese with minor" 這句話不僅時態不對 (應該用過去式), 而且孤孤單單的,沒有上下文輔助,我認為完全是多餘的句子。除非你稍微 提一下,日文和稅務研究的關連性,不然我建議刪掉。 : with minor. In the future, I want to be a college professor. The experience Entering academia or working in an university has alwasy been my career goal. : of teaching my classmates makes me realize that I have enthusiasm about : education. And I like learning, too. Being a college professor, I can both 我個人覺得 「make me realize」是過度簡單化的 「中文直接翻譯成英文」 的寫法。 I have been a volunteer tutor for the past several years in my department, where I helped the fellow students to build their skills in many finance related areas. The success of the tutoring experience develops my self-confidence in pursuing an academic career. : teach students and learn new knowledge. For this purpose, I apply your : graduated school for building up my professional knowledge and the ability : of research. : 中文翻譯: : 我叫作XXX,是OO大學財政系的學生。身為財政系的學生,我對於經濟、會計及租稅 : 有濃厚的興趣,尤其租稅領域為我未來想要進行研究的方向,而且有別於其他科系, : 租稅為我的科系發展重點(因此我想要進行這方面的研究)。除了必修之外,我還輔修 老實說我看不懂上面這句話。(1) 斷句不清楚。(2) 為什麼貴科系發展重點在租稅 領域,你的研究興趣就在租稅?邏輯關係在哪?(3) 你這篇所謂的 「自介」是 針對政大財政研究所? : 了日文系。未來我想要成為一位大學教授。從教導同學的經驗中,我發覺自己對於 : 具有熱忱教育,另一方面我也熱愛學習,成為一名大學教授,我可以同時教育學生及 : 學習新知,為了這個目標,我申請了貴研究所以建立專業知識及研究能力。 : 請各位大大狠評謝謝@@
m13579:呵呵 單純是我自己英文不好 這個也不單只是自己所用的 10/14 19:20
m13579:因為自己系強調租稅 所以也比其他科系多修習稅務課程 10/14 19:22
m13579:所以會對租稅比較有興趣 這樣應該算是有邏輯吧 10/14 19:22
m13579:感謝大大花時間看完我的自介 我會好好參考的 10/14 19:24
※ 編輯: hoch 來自: (10/14 21:26)