看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我隨便亂改一下。語意和原 po 可能不太一樣。 ※ 引述《rolems (rolems)》之銘言: : I deeply appreciated JJJ and ZZZ, giving me the opportunity to visit Japan : for one month. Also special thanks to Kyoto University Professor xxxx, yyy I hereby express my deepest appreciation to Mr.J and Mr.Z for giving me the opportunity to visit Japan for a month. : and zzz students. With their help, I can complete the studies and living in : Japan for one months. Special thanks also go to Professor X of Kyoto University, as well as to Mr.Y and Mr.Z. Without their generous assistance I would not have been able to survive the one-month stay in Japan. : In fact, I like Japan very much and been to Tokyo, but only for three days. 「In fact」在這裡很怪,個人覺得沒有那種語意轉折的意味。 Having been a fan of Japanese culture, I have personally been to Japan once. Although it was a short three-day trip, I was totally overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of both ancient and modern Japanese culture. : But in this journey, I am even more profound experience to integrate into the : feeling of living in Japan. I think the students in Japan study very This one-month stay in Japan, needless to say, has given me an unprecedented opportunity of interacting with all perspectives of Japanese culture, up close and personally. : carefully, they are very kindly and friendly to the foreigners. Japanese are "study carefully" 不知道是啥?學生很小心地讀書求學做研究? My first impression about Japanese students is that they study extremely hard, and attend every detail of the subjects they are working on. That does not mean Japanese students are not accessible or aproachable, on the contrary, they are very kind and easy to be friend with. : very law-abiding. I have rarely seen the trash on the ground and people will : not jaywalk. In addition, I think they are very creative, especially in the Japanese people are also quiet, polite and law-abiding. For example, they don't throw trash on the ground, neither do they jaywalk. : appearance of the goods. It is always able to attract consumers want to buy. The quietness and politeness of Japanese people, nonetheless, don't hurt their creativity and innovation in designing and producing some of the world's best industrial products, such as automobiles, consumer electronics, pop music songs, financial industry, tourism, and advanced machinery, just to name a few. : Their industry is very diverse, not only the field of electronics industry, : the development in the fields of automotive, music, finance, tourism, : machinery is also very hot. They have national identity and cherish their own : culture, this can be a profound experience visit the temples of Kyoto. I : think Taiwan should learn a lot to from Japan. I also found that most Japanese are patriotic, in a sense that they don't want to be remined about Japan's past wartime aggression and colonial rule over many Asian countries. : ========== : 非常感謝jjj與zzz的補助,讓我有機會能夠體會一個月的日本生活。也特別感謝京都大學 : 的xxx教授,yyy以及zzz同學的幫忙,才讓我能夠順利的在日本生活一個月以及完成這個 : 研究。 : 其實我很喜歡日本,之前有去過一次東京,不過只待了三天。但在這次的旅途中, 我更 : 加深刻的體會到融入日本生活的感覺。我覺得日本人的研究非常仔細, 對人處事,對待 : 外國人都非常的親切與熱情。他們也很守法,守規矩。在日本我很少看到有行人會任意穿 : 越馬路,路上也很少看到地上有垃圾。此外,我覺得他們非常的有創意,尤其是在商品的 : 外表上,總是能夠吸引消費者想去購買。他們的產業也非常多元,不只是電子產業領域, : 他們在汽車、音樂、金融、觀光、機械領域的發展也是非常熱絡的。不像台灣只有電子產 : 業領域。我認為這點台灣政府應該要多多向日本學習。他們非常的有國家認同感,幾乎只 : 用國產。他們很珍惜自己的文化,這點在參訪京都的寺廟中就可以深刻體會到了。許多地 : 方,台灣應該要跟日本好好學習。 : ========== : 請問我這樣寫有哪個地方有錯誤嗎? : 我覺得我已經盡力了...orz : 懇請高手幫忙..(跪拜) ※ 編輯: hoch 來自: (10/23 17:35)