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※ 引述《cdcd3831 ()》之銘言: : 原文: 主管之領導風格與部屬人格特質對組織績效的影響-以個案公司為例 : 自譯:The Effect between a Supervisor's Leadership Styles and Organizational : Performance in the Employee's Personality - A Case Study of X Company : 感覺上有點怪怪的,跪求達人協助,翻譯正確者贈P幣1000$ : 感謝大家幫忙。 The effect of manager's leadership style and employee's personality traits on the operating efficiency of an organization: a case study -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
noatu:試試Managerial Leadership versus Subordinate Personality 01/18 08:10
noatu:Traits - A Case Study on Organisational Performance 01/18 08:12