看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: I come from a very happy nuclear family. : Before 6 years old,I grew up in the 台中 with my grandmother because my : family is Two-income household : 台中 is a small city and most people there are farmer. : I really like this town,people there are always friendly. : I am the second child in my family, My mother always tell me that I am very : independent and friendly. : Throughout my academic years , I study in night school. 文章很長,前面也有網友指出問題實在不少。如果原po是認真想要應徵空服員, 建議還是花錢找人修改一下。 我只有力氣舉一個例子。你看這一句: 「Throughout my academic years , I study in night school.」 這一句前文是什麼?前文說「我媽怎樣怎樣...」。後文是 「我曾在百貨公司打工」。 前後文和「我都讀夜校」的關連性很弱。 很明顯,你強調「讀夜校」,大概想讓人知道你有奮發向上,主動向學的精神。但 文章裡卻看不出來。老是讓讀者自行補足絕不是好辦法。 更別提 「Throughout ... night school」這句話才九個字。時態也 不正確。簡直是國中生造的句子:「This is a book. I have three apples.」 舉例: In today's Taiwan, most people in my age are privileged enough to have full financial support to complete the tertiary education. However, coming from a family with low socioeconomic status, I had no choice but have to pursue my entire education on a part-time basis. 開頭先接前句你對家庭的描述,再把自己塑造成很悲情的小人物。然後講到自己 為了求學,只好半工半讀。正好接下去你打工的故事。 : I have a part time job in office and department store. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
balloon:拜服h大啊…句子寫的真美 O_Q 01/29 04:22
lion1227:求助原PO連中文標題都錯..................... 01/29 14:24
dogsdogs:阿.....對不起沒注意到QQ 01/29 18:32