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※ 引述《a7410258 (哈士奇)》之銘言: : 查過幾本字典, 也google過 : 但還是對這兩字的差異沒有很清楚 : 有一說法是這樣說的 : temporary為暫時, 但不會是永久 : provisional為臨時, 但偏向未來也會如此 : 想請問這個說法是正確的嗎? 如果不是又該如何區分這兩字呢? 直接貼朗文的解釋給你有違版規嗎? provisional temporary – used especially about arrangements or information that people may decide to change in the future. Also used about licences or governments which are only arranged to last for a short time: Does the hotel accept provisional bookings? | They have set a provisional date for the next meeting. | a provisional driving licence | In June, the rebels claimed to have formed a provisional government. | Provisional figures yesterday from the Department of Transport showed that 4,274 people were killed last year —6 percent fewer than the previous year. -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: