看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在申請學校的履歷中需要用到的幾個名詞卡住了~ 不知該怎麼翻譯, 這裡附上我自己的翻譯 請告訴我比較恰當不扭曲原意的英譯,真的感恩不盡~T_T 1.青少年領袖成長營 Teenager's leadership development camp 2.大學班上的公關(不是系會的) class social coordinator 3.大學班上的體衛,書代 P.E. class leader,class book order(?) 4.系排隊員volleyball player of Department team 5.社團期初,期末大會 ??? 6.服務隊(到國小去帶小學生)Elementory school Volunteer Service Team 7.外交酒舞會Diplomats Ball 8.副家族長(社團裡面有分家族以聯繫與帶領新進社員)??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sunnylene 來自: (02/20 02:26)
fhsd4264:Elementary* Also, you're looking for a lot of terms 02/20 15:51
fhsd4264:that don't exist in English, persay. For example, you 02/20 15:52
fhsd4264:would probably have to explain number four out: In 02/20 15:52
fhsd4264:Taiwan, everyone of the same major were really close. 02/20 15:53
fhsd4264:For example, I was part of my department's volleyball 02/20 15:54
fhsd4264:team. 02/20 15:54