看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ele1325 (ele1325)》之銘言: : 中文語意: : 有一天搭火車時,我看到一個老婦人在跟乘客借100元,他們可能在想她是不是騙子, : 所以都沒有人願意借她錢,他們也許認為現在這個社會騙子太多了。在那時我也在掙 : 札,但是最後我還是沒給她錢。過了一陣子,我覺得很後悔當時沒有幫她,因為我仍 : 記得她當時是多麼無助和絕望。因此,我告訴自己以後如果再遇到這種情形,我不要 : 再這麼僅慎去判斷這個人是不是騙子。我寧願被騙,也不要因為其他真正的騙子讓我 : 變成一個冷血的人。 I was on a trip the other day and I came across an old lady asking for money from passengers on a train. Fearing that this lady could be a bogus beggar, nobody was willing to help. After all, regardless of how you interpret this social phenomenon, bogus beggars are so popular on street that most people tend to just ignore them. I was no exception at the moment. However, despite that I too felt uncomfortable donating money to a fraud, now I regret I did not follow my inner feeling and gave her at least a few dollars. I told myself that next time I will not let my prejudice and bias prevail. If I ever need to make a decision between being deceived or being ruthless, I will choose the former. : English: : One day when I was on a train, there was a old woman who was borrowing 100NT : from other passengers. Maybe passengers were wondering whether she was a - 個人覺得「有一天」不需要硬翻 「one day」。你下面有很多類似的問題,例如 「過了一陣子」,何必要硬翻呢?不要太執著於中文。 - 不過如果這是考中翻英的考試,請自動忽略以上廢話。 - 「there was, there is, there are」大部分情況都屬贅字,可以省略。 - 「和乘客要錢」我認為不太適合用「borrow money」 I was on a trip the other day and I came across an old lady asking for money from passengers on a train. : cheat, so nobody wanted to help her. They might think that nowadays there - 你的問題是,句子不太能跳脫簡單的中翻英結構。 Fearing that this lady could be a bogus beggar, nobody was willing to help. : were many cheats in our society. I was strggling at that moment; however, - again, 個人覺得不該濫用 「there were ....」。你仔細想一下,此處 「there were」很礙眼。 After all, regardless of how you interpret this social phenomenon, bogus beggars are so popular on street that most people tend to just ignore them. : I still didn't give her money eventually. After that, I very regreted I I was no exception at the moment, because I too felt uncomfortable donating money to a fraud. : didn't help her because I still remembered how helpless and upset she was. - 是我的話,不會硬翻「過了一陣子」,與其傷腦筋在硬翻中文,不如上網 google 一下別人在類似的狀況下所用的句子 Now I regret I did not follow my inner feeling and gave her at least a few dollars. : Thus, I told myself I would never judge a person so cautiously at this : kind of situation. I prefer to be cheated instead of being a unfeeling person - 「因此」硬翻成 「thus」感覺也有點不妥。其實接著寫下去,語氣應該就很順 I told myself that next time I will not let my prejudice and bias prevail. If I ever need to make a decision between being deceived or being ruthless, I will choose the former. : resulting from other real frauds. : 問題: : 1. 有人可以幫我改一下比較明顯錯誤的句子嗎??或是比較口語的說法 : 2. 在敘述過去經驗時,常常不確定"有一天"或"有一次"該怎麼講 : One day?? One time?? : 3. They might think that nowadays there were many cheats in our society. : 子句是還是用過去式嗎??但nowadays讓我覺得是不是該用現在式。 : 4. 「過了一陣子」用After that對嗎??還有其它說法嗎?? ※ 編輯: hoch 來自: (02/21 12:02)
ele1325:真的非常感謝hoch的批改,原來我錯這麼多,得好好消化一下 02/22 00:30