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※ 引述《rivervalley (使命必達)》之銘言: : 1.請最後一位同學幫忙把你們那一排的習作收到前面來 : May I ask the student in the far back help collect the workbooks of your row. : 2.請值日生幫忙把習作發下去 : The students on duty help send down the workbooks, please. 口語上我會這樣說: 1. Students in the far back please help collect your workbooks to the front. 2. Students on duty today please pass down the workbooks. 請參考:) -- 英文 Go 有趣 https://www.facebook.com/englishsoeasy 真人英語發音超強單字學習 app:http://ppt.cc/C9aN 我的臉書(歡迎交友):https://www.facebook.com/georgia.lu212 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: