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Jim Carrey's newest movie is going to be on screen,I am so excited! Does anyone like Jim Carrey,too? I think he is the best comedy actor in Hollywood. His nervous character always makes a lot of joke. He always has exaggerative behavior. It can easily make me laugh unstoppably. I am looking forward to the movie,"Yes Man!" XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jamieenvy:looking forward to it 2 01/19 22:57
※ 編輯: livelifejim 來自: (01/20 13:10)
djviva:I love all his works, too, and highly anticipating to 01/20 13:18
djviva:this new one 01/20 13:18
livelifejim:so...Is there someone want to go with me XDD 01/20 13:46
chester0937:I saw that in US, its hella perfect!!! I strongly 01/20 14:53
chester0937:recommend every one should see it. Otherwise, 01/20 14:53
chester0937:the lead lady is quite beautiful, who is she 01/20 14:54
sabrinawst:I love his works,too! But I heard that "Man on the 01/20 16:34
sabrinawst:moon" is not so good~ is it? 01/20 16:34
livelifejim:I really knew him is from the movie,Bruce Almighty 01/20 16:39
carboyUSA:love his old work....very funny 02/17 21:59