看板 EuropeanCar 關於我們 聯絡資訊
source: http://www.worldcarfans.com/113082962172/gumpert-goes-bust---report A year after filing for insolvency, Gumpert has reportedly gone bust. According to reports out of Germany, insolvency administrator Görge Scheid has revealed the company's mysterious savior has backed out of a deal and will not invest in the automaker. This, combined with a lack of orders, has caused the remaining 19 employees to be laid off. While most of us will never see a Gumpert, the company rose to fame thanks to a Top Gear appearance and a record setting lap on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. More recently, the company introduced the Apollo S at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show. It featured a 4.2-liter V8 engine that developed 750 HP (551 kW) and 900 Nm (663 lb-ft) of torque which enabled it to run from 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) in just 2.9 seconds. 前幾天Wiesmann才宣布破產 最近又.... 獨立車廠的生存空間真的太小 -- On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think, "Okay, this is the limit." As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you seddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna da Silva -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
magi3Q:可惜了! 09/03 01:33
reallocust:很擔心Pagani的未來.我還滿喜歡這家車廠的 09/03 01:37
magi3Q:Pagani跟AMG合作這麼密切,Mercedes可以考慮買下來發展超跑 09/03 02:25
zeta:Koenigsegg不知財務如何,Agera感覺有點換湯不換藥 09/03 06:33
chenray:Koenigsegg跟Cargine有獨門引擎技術,感覺滿有前瞻的,私 09/03 13:01
chenray:以為K牌要比P,在研發能力跟技術上還略高一籌,但行事感覺 09/03 13:02
chenray:要低調許多 :P 09/03 13:02
cos810662:Pagani倒是不用擔心,定單多到做不完 09/03 14:36
cos810662:台灣準車主去年初就下單,今年下半年才排到產線 09/03 14:39
CB400SF:Koenigsegg比Pagani危險多了,Pagani在對岸可是一堆車迷。 09/03 20:02
CB400SF:Koenigsegg的引擎技術沒多獨門,就是改很大的Ford V8配上 09/03 20:08
CB400SF:生質酒精...Pagani的carbon車體技術才是超強... 09/03 20:10
chenray:小的指得是free value engine,我是沒有很懂這專業,有興 09/03 21:21
chenray:趣版友們可以google看看 09/03 21:21
SLS63AMG:太陽下山了... 09/03 22:29
magi3Q:Pagain的「碳鈦合金」真的超猛 比F1厲害 09/04 01:00
hiphopviva:Koenigsegg如果經營方向不改變很有可能幾年後會破產.. 09/04 01:12
hiphopviva:技術方面是相當了得,但是太過著重在速度上 09/04 01:13
hiphopviva:pagani前幾年完成新廠之後,訂單可以大量接受 09/04 01:13
hiphopviva:一年做個50輛應該不是問題 09/04 01:14
hiphopviva:經營方向逐漸往銷售量靠攏.. 09/04 01:14
hiphopviva:Koenigsegg連個新廠在哪裡還不知道 09/04 01:15
lyway:Koenigsegg破產的話會有車廠想收嗎 滿喜歡他們家的車 09/04 10:33
zeta:Pagani像義大利精品,K牌則是北歐速度機器 09/04 12:45
hy0106:北瑞典流年不利 Saab倒閉 volvo被中國收購 09/04 14:47
hiphopviva:印象中Koenigsegg財務狀況還可以,但是一直不願意 09/04 18:50
hiphopviva:改變經營方向,堅持在速度跟賽道上的特性上去研發 09/04 18:50
hiphopviva:但是不是大家都吃這套阿,沒有好的市售狀況 09/04 18:51
hiphopviva:當然沒金主了,現在也只是在燒老本 09/04 18:51
hiphopviva:寧可拿錢去研發卻不願意蓋新廠房擴大產能... 09/04 18:52
hiphopviva:Koenigsegg很像以前的Spyker 09/04 18:52
CB400SF:說到Spyker...好像去對岸掏金失敗後現在也準備喊GG了... 09/04 20:35
SLS63AMG:買了Saab這顆燙手山芋.. 09/04 20:43
ewa43:Koenigsegg有Muller一半愚蠢的話現在早倒了... 09/04 23:10
pussycat2009:Pagani真的是感覺的到車廠對"車"的熱情,叫你帥哥則是 09/05 21:06
pussycat2009:對"速度"這件事的追求... 09/05 21:06
trueno1587:我會解讀成怕尬你比較懂得包裝 細節也精心打造 09/05 21:34
hiphopviva:t大說的沒錯,不過這也是義大利車廠一直以來的傳統 09/06 01:02
hiphopviva:但是Pagani是真的用心在造車,而且是頂級的跑車 09/06 01:03
reallocust:推樓上 09/06 01:14
trueno1587:最頂級的跑車<->純粹的速度機器 p <-> k <-> g 這樣XD 09/06 01:41
trueno1587:跟實力無關 存論車的調性 當然我都是鍵盤賞車啦呵呵 09/06 01:42
cnp1894:Zonda..... 09/21 18:00