看板 EuropeanCar 關於我們 聯絡資訊
from http://goo.gl/qDU3MB Christian Horner:I am sure Ron Dennis is spitting his coffee out right now. Has the car got a name? AM-RB 001 is the concept's codename, but for production it will be badged Aston Martin and have a name… starting with a V. There are five or six contenders on the list, according to an insider. AM-RB 001只是這個計畫的代號,未來車名應該會是 V 開頭。 How much does it cost? In U.K. terms the estimate is between £2-3 million ($2.6M-$3.9M). There are going to be between 99 and 150 road cars and 25 track-only versions. If you want one you’d better be quick: Aston boss Palmer says he has 370 “clear requests from people to be on the list for the car.” First deliveries are expected early 2019 (not 2018 as Aston stated earlier). 售價約200~300萬英鎊,道路版可能有99~150輛,賽道專用版25輛,2019年開始交車。 Aston Martin老闆說,他們有370個明確的需求。 How much power does it have? The car is powered by a V12 of unknown capacity, and built by an outside supplier. There are no turbos – because, says Palmer, naturally aspirated V12s sound better. Aston says the car will have one horsepower for every kilogram of weight and since the target weight is 1000 kg we can confidently expect between 900-1000 hp. The company is not being specific, but there will be an element of hybridisation about it – with a form of KERS (kinetic energy recovery system) aboard. 老闆說NA的聲浪比較好聽,所以這台車是V12自然進氣,沒有渦輪啦! 原廠表示,這部車的馬力重量比大約是1,車重目標是1000kg 由此可推得馬力約900~1000匹,並會有混合動力的裝置(KERS) How fast is it? As we’ve said, the car has been billed as an F1 car for the road. But there has already been some backtracking on that. The official line now is that the track versions, on slicks, will match the pace of an LMP1 sports prototype on a circuit. It is, however, unlikely to get close to the Bugatti Chiron’s 260-mph-plus top speed. Says Newey: “Top speed is not the difficult bit. It is not top speed we have chased. It is driving enjoyment. Having the quickest car possible is a different challenge. This car is also for the urban environment.” 問:這台車多快? 官方說法是,賽道版可以跟上LMP1賽車的速度,但極速大概就無法超越志龍。 紐威:要催極速不難啦,但我們追求的是駕駛樂趣~~~~~~ How much of a road car is it? The official line is that it has been “engineered to be entirely useable and enjoyable as a road car.” Newey says it will have infotainment and air-conditioning and “be a proper road car… to potter to the shops and back if you want. You don’t have to psyche yourself up to drive it. If we had provided an LMP1 car for the road with all of its discomfort we would have failed.” 紐威:車子上有影音娛樂系統,也有空調,要開去購物裝貨都可以。 我們大可直接把LMP1道路化,但少了這些舒適配備,其實跟失敗沒兩樣。 It’s so small, how can anyone get in? “Cars have become big and clumsy,” says Newey. “We haven’t gone in the direction of one or two of its rivals. The P1 and LaFerrari are one a half times its weight. Light and small cars are more involving to drive. Making a car big is because you haven’t made the effort to make it small.” Newey adds, “Sat-nav doesn’t tell you when you have a narrow road coming up…” So how big is it? According to Marek Reichman, it’s a little longer than a V8 Vantage, slightly narrower, and a lot lower. At 39.5 inches it’s actually lower than the Ford GT40 that sits in Adrian Newey’s garage, alongside a McLaren F1. 問:這麼小一台車,難道大家都塞得進去? 紐威:現今的車子越來越大、越來越笨拙。 我們的目標與對手不同,在我看來,P1和LaFerrari都太重了。 輕量的小車才能提供駕駛樂趣~~~ 衛星導航不會告訴你接下來是一段很窄的路...... Is there any room inside; where do your legs go? “It’s a bit of a Tardis (Dr Who’s time machine) inside,” says Newey. There are two seats side by side, and your legs go up in the manner of an F1 or LMP1 car: your ankles are higher than your hips. “Marek Reichmann is six-feet, four-inches and he’s comfortable in it,” says Newey. “I have to be honest though and say that luggage space isn’t huge. Just one overnight bag.” 問:車子內部還有空間嗎?腿要擺哪裡? 紐威:Dr Who的時光機器都塞得下啦!(https://goo.gl/KuBviY) 這台車有兩個座位,當你坐進去駕駛的話,腳踝的位置會比屁股還要高。 身高六呎四的Marek Reichmann都能覺得舒服~~~~ 但我必須誠實的說,行李箱空間大概只能容納一只過夜箱。 When do the ground effects start to work? Newey says it is correct to call this the first ground effects road car. He should know. Apart from 30 years of F1 experience he has his final year project at university to call on: in 1980 his thesis was on a ground-effect road car. He admits though the new car doesn’t look much like it. But aren’t ground effects just for the track? “There is no particular speed they will start to work but they will become significant around 60 mph.” So, relevant for road use then. 問:地面效應何時出現?(有興趣的請google Brabham BT64B) 紐威:沒有特定的速度啦,大概60mph吧~~~ Where will the car prove itself? With no race category for the car the obvious place to “set a time” is the N ürburgring, but Newey is not keen: “Personally I am not particularly interested in the Nürburgring because no proper cars (he means racing cars) cars have been around it. “There is no race category for it at the moment but things can change.” He says he fancies a modern-day equivalent of the BMW M1 Procar series from 1979. 問:這台車何時能證明它的能耐?要不要跑一下紐柏林? 紐威:個人對紐柏林沒興趣,因為還沒出現完全適合紐柏林的賽車。 但其他賽道成績倒是可以期待啦~~~~~ 不過我想要的是1979年BMW M1 Procar系列賽重演~~~~~~ What identifies it as an Aston Martin? Marek Reichman says you can take the badges off the car and people will still pick it as an Aston; he may well be right. How has he achieved it? He says the important elements are the Aston “moustache” at the front, the lines up the bonnet, the side strake (derived from the DP100 concept), the surface language and the height and flow of the fenders. And, most of all he says, the overall proportions. ”These are all things that say Aston Martin.” And where does the license plate go? “A plate on the front is going to spoil it a bit, but you know what, it’s a £60 fine and a couple of points on your license.” 問:如何辨別它是一台Aston Martin? Marek Reichman:就算拿掉廠徽,人們也看得出來它是一台Aston Martin。 最明顯的就是車頭的凸字小鬍子..........還有其他很多地方。 問:車頭長這樣,車牌要掛哪? 答:掛上車牌就毀了這台車的美感啊!乖乖繳60英鎊的罰單和扣點吧! Are there more mid-engined Astons coming? That seems to be the message. There hasn’t been one so far, not at least one that made production, though the current V8 Vantage was originally intended to be mid-engined before the then-management reverted to a front-engine layout. But Andy Palmer says AM-RB 001 ”inevitably” puts Aston in a mid-engined frame of mind, and that the technology from the car will trickle down to future models. 問:未來是不是有更多中置引擎的Aston? 其實Aston Martin從來沒製造過中置引擎的車子......... 但隨著AM-RB 001推出,未來絕對可以期待技術下放到量產車上~~~~ And what would Adrian Newey like to do next? Maybe design a city car in the tire tracks of F1 ace turned supercar creator Gordon Murray? “I enjoy design and engineering and would like to look at other areas in the future. But at the moment I have my work cut out with this. Wait and see what comes along. This in many ways is the easier car for me to do because it’s relatively closer to race car technology.” 問:紐威大師未來想幹麼? 紐威:我想多元發展啦~~~但目前就是得做這一台(指)..... -- ※ 編輯: clark3530 (, 07/07/2016 09:33:03
cwilliams: 推翻譯! 07/07 10:14
zeta: 推推,趕快來訂一輛 1:18 07/07 12:10
lafeyo523: 掛上車牌就毀了這台車的美感啊!乖乖繳60英鎊的罰單和 07/07 13:31
lafeyo523: 扣點吧! 讚XDDDDDD 07/07 13:31
JUSTER: 推車牌那段xDDDDD 07/07 14:22
nen: road legal but without plate.. 哈哈哈 07/07 15:09
zeta: 現在目標變LMP1了? 07/07 15:41
clark3530: F1是目標 實際打造出來變LMP1 07/07 15:57
clark3530: 大概跟20年前手機幻想沒按鈕 但實際生產變小海豚... 07/07 15:57
olsr: 理論誰都會講,做不做的出來又是另外一回事了 07/07 16:45
pussycat2009: 車牌那我還以為只有義大利人這樣想XD 07/07 19:35
a46080704: 車牌那段大推XDDDDDDDD 07/08 04:03
a46080704: LMP1在某些方面不輸F1 但是F1就是賽車的極端 07/08 04:04
Dcwei: 車牌那段XD 有錢人就是任性 07/08 04:54
zeta: 但F1沒辦法連續戰24小時啊,道路用車以LMP1為目標也算合理 07/08 10:25
reallocust: LMP1跟F1比也只有引擎較耐用而已 XD,真要跑台灣柏油路 07/08 10:51
reallocust: 應該也稱不久 07/08 10:51
andy87878744: 推車牌啦 07/08 11:19
zeta: 不能只考慮台灣路況啦,而且光封閉座艙坐兩人就差很多了,看起 07/08 13:30
zeta: 來紐神跟AM還是要舒適實用性 07/08 13:31
class1st: 目標一定會再度下修 不敢跑紐伯林 不敢比極速 笑P1重? 07/08 16:18
class1st: 哈 07/08 16:18