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http://www.manutd.com/en/News-And-Features/Football-News/2010/Dec/Chelsea-game -postponed.aspx 縮: http://tinyurl.com/24r4tfm ---- 來自曼聯官網的消息 18/12/2010 13:00, Report by Gemma Thompson Chelsea game postponed United's game at Chelsea on Sunday has been postponed. A statement on Chelsea's official website said: "Sunday's game at Stamford Bridge has been postponed following consultation with the Police and the local authority. "There has been heavy snow in London on Saturday. "Should customers require a refund they can send the tickets back to the box office with credit card details and they will be cancelled. Customers are advised to send tickets back by Royal Mail special delivery in order for the tickets to arrive safely. Any tickets that do not arrive cannot be refunded. "All tickets WILL remain valid for the new date once it is confirmed." ---- 本周英超幾乎都要被河蟹完了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
boyinblue:一人一信 要阿布蓋屋頂... 12/18 21:44
thegodofcold:現在蓋屋頂也來不及了吧...XD 12/18 21:45
thegodofcold:英格蘭怎麼沒有學日本蓋巨蛋勒!! 12/18 21:46
a111156987:就算蓋完屋頂球迷到不了球場也是沒用... 12/18 21:54
u1302094:今天的停賽有一半以上是因為週邊地區交通癱瘓囧 12/18 21:55
Rasheed:這麼不喜歡大雪你可以走啊! 英格蘭又沒加蓋! lol 12/18 21:57
icemilkgreen:樓上意圖使人跳海.. 12/18 21:59
superhoya:φ(._. )> 12/18 22:03
tliu223:搬到卡達吧XDD 12/18 22:06
u1302094:這時節游到歐洲其他地方好像都差不多,連南歐都下大雪囧 12/18 22:07
uranusjr:大西洋也沒加蓋啊! (大誤) 12/18 22:09
skywinjim:五樓是重點 12/18 22:17
corner0111:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxuxNLf87_Y 12/18 22:21
u1302094:樓上是恐怖聯結lol(誤) 12/18 22:26
Raikkonen248:還好沒加蓋= = 12/18 22:28
chen2295:好像是疏忽沒定期剷雪(還是根本就是雪太大,超過負荷?) 12/18 22:40
uranusjr:雪太大, 只下了一天就垮了 12/18 22:41
chen2295:還是別蓋吧= =,雪下到那種程度有屋頂人也到不了zzz... 12/18 22:42
blackrx:NFL維京人主場的屋頂被積雪壓爆...... 12/19 01:35
porthos:蛋被壓破了... 12/19 14:01
u1302094:慢著,今天的英超全部停擺,MOTD2要播啥?XDDD 12/19 14:14
sneak: 好像是疏忽沒定期剷雪( https://muxiv.com 08/08 06:04
sneak: 還好沒加蓋= = https://daxiv.com 09/10 20:58