看板 FAPL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這新聞太經典, 不知道用什麼標題, 感覺這標題很適合 因為有些球員踢球追求的不是冠軍 http://nesn.com/2013/01/marouane-fellaini-moves-from-liverpool-to-manchester-because-women-are-all-over-him/ 爆炸頭表示: 我搬家了, 妹太多吃不完了 Marouane Fellaini is one of the Premier League’s most in-demand players — on the field and off it. The Everton star revealed that he recently moved from Liverpool to Manchester (houses not teams) because women in Liverpool were all over him, the Mail reports. “I am living in Manchester now, because in Liverpool, the women were crawling for me,” Fellaini said. “It was too much. In Manchester, people don’t recognize me that much and tend to treat me in a more respectful way ... The 25-year-old’s successful season has certainly brought him increased attention, but it’s not like he wouldn’t get it anyway. He is six-foot four-inches tall and sports a distinctive Afro atop his lanky frame. Let’s just say, he stands out in a crowd. ... For now, Fellaini will keep his head down (out of the way of overly attentive women and Stoke City defenders) and focus on the immediate task of helping Everton reach its goals -- 順便提, 前幾天某立委質詢體委會主委, 拿了一張影帝的照片給他看, 他不認識 然後大家幹礁了一頓 還是覺得這樣有點太怪罪主委了 應該要拿蔣特裡的照片, 因為蔣特裡有可能跟他睡過 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leoturkey:最後一段XDDDDD 01/05 23:25
mvpdirk712:你說的是邱志偉吧 XDDD 之前好像質詢好幾次了 哈哈 01/05 23:28
hordbone:影帝是姓布的那位? 01/05 23:35
Lemur:連2010WC主辦國都不知道 更糟 http://goo.gl/nTUwx 01/05 23:51
idlypanda:XDDDDDDDD 01/05 23:52
DemonRing:不期不待 01/06 00:04
thorn:houses not teams XXD 01/06 01:03
tonyselina:XDDDDD 01/06 01:38
tonyselina:等等,特裡有這麼不挑嗎? 我要替他講話 01/06 01:38
IOP14759:你也太看不起特里的眼光 01/06 16:57
sneak: houses not https://muxiv.com 08/08 07:18
sneak: XDDDDD https://daxiv.com 09/10 21:48
sneak: //goo.gl/nT https://muxiv.com 12/09 10:57
muxiv: 你說的是邱志偉吧 XD http://yaxiv.com 04/17 21:27