看板 FBaseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.rotoworld.com/player/mlb/4156/troy-tulowitzki Tulo was hit by a foul ball off the bat of Dexter Fowler while in the dugout. Despite being in obvious pain, he stayed in the game and even legged out an infield single, though it was partially due to rookie shortstop Brandon Crawford trying to rush a barehanded throw on an obviously injured player. Rockies manager Jim Tracy saw that Tulo had a hard time running down the line, so he decided to pull him for pinch-runner Chris Nelson. We should learn more on his status 受傷也要洗一支安打,太感人了 但是話說回來,他五月有點冷 如果傷勢不重的話,要趕快回復第一輪身手啊! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kelpiejo 來自: (05/15 16:41)
Grammy:四月也冷 05/15 17:45
frick:不~~~~~~~~ 05/15 17:48
mrbioway:打的超級普通 05/15 17:50
MarcLin:不擔心他阿,穩穩加溫,然後跟去年一樣季後賽爆走就夠了 05/15 18:17
MSNMESSENGER:不擔心+1 05/15 18:32
bestcpbl:我有點擔心小亨利..... 05/15 19:00
EE1:我擔心Reyes... 05/15 19:03
bluesound:Reyes最近安打比較多了 回溫的開始 05/15 19:29
stk11:Tulo是拿來打季後賽用的... 05/15 21:50
USAGI0423:請問他要休多久?我第一輪選他 都快哭了 05/15 23:24
MarcLin:D2D,被打到後還能跑內安,不用太悲觀 05/15 23:27
TBdrays:Tulo到了八九月就開啟Hamilton模式惹 05/16 01:11
USAGI0423:謝啦!安心多了 那..各位怎麼看J.Upton呢,高順位表現差+1 05/16 02:20
fish780713:Upton這一兩年六七月的表現都比較好 再等等看吧XD 05/16 11:21
fish780713:而且小蛇今年幾隻主砲成雞都不怎麼樣.. = =+ 05/16 11:21
sneak: 不擔心+1 https://daxiv.com 09/11 09:47