看板 FBaseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
兔肉周一要回來啦 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tulowitzki (groin) will return to the Rockies on Monday, the Denver Post reports. Recommendation: Tulowitzki has been out since May 30 after undergoing surgery to remove scar tissue over a nerve in his left groin area. With Tulowitzki returning to the lineup, Josh Rutledge is expected to move over to second base going forward in anticipation of that tandem forming a double-play combination for the team in 2013. P.S 鐵爺今天也回來了 ~ 可喜可賀 !!! 季後賽衝一發 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gundam00:你標題害我以為他又受傷了......... 09/09 10:26
EEERRIICC:鐵爺今天心靈受傷了 09/09 10:52
誤判 XDD
stk11:期待9月的兔肉!! 花了80FAAB標來的XD 09/09 11:20
burdette:他回來之後 Rutledge要擺那裏呢?板凳嗎? 09/09 11:21
文章有提到 ~ 擺2B !!!
nu13:下週一.....希望我季後賽還活著.....阿門 09/09 11:24
※ 編輯: syt1112 來自: (09/09 11:52)
lasagwi:鐵爺明天應不會上 09/09 12:06
flyinwinds:Rutledge 已經在改守二壘了~ 09/09 13:44
F12:爽 爭冠的最後一塊拼圖 09/09 14:39
baberuth:要傷腦筋了...Desmond不知道要不要丟 09/09 15:16