看板 FBaseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Troy Tulowitzki (rib) is scheduled to take two at-bats in a rehab game Monday at Triple-A Colorado Springs. Tulowitzki still has a bit of soreness in his rib cage, but the fracture is healed so he has been cleared to play in games. He's aiming to return to the Rockies' starting lineup this Thursday for the start of a big series against the Dodgers. And he may meet that goal. 希望他躺到完全好再出來... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
OoyaoO:希望他至少躺到ASG後 好好休息 07/09 13:01
OoyaoO:趕著出來又受傷的話一點屁用也沒有 07/09 13:02
wagoo:認同O大 只是我覺得他是看到Rockies打成這副鳥樣也急了巴 07/09 14:44
goopa:是沒錯,但如果洛磯再被拉開就要擔心球團叫他放長假了 07/09 23:58
goopa:所以就希望他可以健康歸隊吧! 07/09 23:59
yclyhc:進DL那天我用Ian Desmond換到 這麼早就回來 好像有點賺 07/10 07:32