看板 FCBarcelona 關於我們 聯絡資訊
推 ERICKAO08:http://youtu.be/1BrP9MJqxGU pep演講有英翻
感謝ERICKAO08提供的連結 把英文字幕打出來方便大家看 Good evening everyone. Do you hear me? Now? Very good evening everyone! It seems that life gave me a great gift. During those five years I could have you all so close and enjoy this spectacle that those boys displayed all this time. I was one of you (fans), I was only privileged than you to be a little bit closer to the pitch. I leave it, I leave my home. You don't know how lucky I am. I feel loved, thanks to your presence and all gestures today, during all those days, 4-5 years, everyday! I am leaving you really happy. Thanks to absolutely everyone! Most of all those close to me, day by day together we worked hard to enjoy what we've achieved and we could enjoy those good moments of playing football simple as this. and you, who were not so very, very close, you felt very close. I will miss you a lot, I lose more than you... (這裡一直中斷...Q__Q) ...but I leave you in good hands. First of all players, who were here all this time. My seat belts were a bit uncomfortable, so I take those off. (這句看了好心疼...) But I ask you my dears to keep those fastened, because you will continue to have fun. This story will be long. I wish you all the best, good luck and see you soon, because I will never be far away. 官網有加泰文原文 http://www.fcbarcelona.cat/futbol/primer-equip/detall/noticia/fins-aviat (我也看不懂 不過還是貼一下 XD) “La vida m’ha fet aquest regal. Durant cinc anys he pogut tenir-vos ben a prop, gaudir d’aquest meravellós espectacle que aquests xicots han pogut donar durant aquest temps. Jo no he sigut diferent a tots vosaltres. He sigut un privilegiat igual que vosaltres. Una mica més a prop de la gespa, però el privilegi és el que jo m’enduc. No sabeu l’estima i la felicitat que m ’enduc a casa. Gràcies absolutament a tots, sobretot els que hem estat més propers, perquè dia rere dia hem pencat molt perquè poguéssiu passar bones estones veient-nos jugar. I amb vosaltres potser no hem estat tan i tan a prop, però us hi hem sentit molt. Sapigueu que us trobaré molt a faltar. Que el qui més perd de tot això só c jo. Us deixo en les millors mans, primer amb aquests jugadors. Però el cinturó pressionava molt i jo me’l descordo. Estimats, vosaltres no cal que ho feu. Seguiu-lo tenint ben cordat perquè això tindrà llarga vida. Us desitjo tot el millor i moltíssima sort. Fins aviat, que a mi no em perdreu mai!” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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