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原文:http://tinyurl.com/27qq4mb "Silverstone tech- The story behind Red Bull wing and McLaren diffuser" 紅牛翅膀的部分小弟不翻譯了,專注於Blown diffuser的部分 兩張麥隊這一站失敗的吹氣屁股圖片 http://tinyurl.com/27y8khb http://tinyurl.com/24s9b39 This weekend we have been at Silverstone, a classic track but one that has undergone a facelift for this season with new sections on the second half of the lap. 這一個週末我們來到了是英國站銀石賽道, 一條經典,但後半段賽道經過『拉皮』的賽道 As usual there were plenty of interesting technical updates on the cars, with teams catching up on the trends of the season and adding either exhaust blown diffusers or drag reducing F Duct rear wings, or in the case of Williams, both. Following on from the rush of exhaust blown diffusers we saw coming onto the cars in Valencia, McLaren had been working towards Germany but fast tracked the update and brought theirs to Silverstone for testing in Friday practice. It was the main feature of a major upgrade package, along with a new front wing. 一如以往,這一站有許多有趣的升級套件出現, 各車隊們都在努力追趕本賽季的技術潮流, 或者是吹氣擴散器,或者是F-duct尾翼,像威廉士的話就是兩個一起上 在歐洲站我們看到了一些車隊匆忙裝上的吹氣擴散器升級, 麥拉崙本來計畫到德國站才用上升級吹氣擴散器的, 但他們提前在本站週五練習賽上就測試了吹氣擴散器。 同時前鼻翼也有升級,但主要的焦點還是集中在吹氣擴散器上。 The system means that the exhaust outlets need to be placed lower near the floor of the car and this causes some problems with overheating the rear suspension, if you are not careful. Red Bull pioneered the technology and has really maximised it. They blow the exhaust gas through a slot which energises the airflow through the diffuser. It is this slot which the Red Bull mechanics are so keen for people not to see when the car is on the grid. But this is a bit of a pointless exercise, as teams have photographers taking digital images of the cars as they drive down the pit lane! 這個系統要求排氣管出口佈置得更低更靠近賽車底板的位置,如果設計不夠小心的話, 這會帶來後懸吊過熱的問題。 紅牛是此項技術的先驅者,而且把這一設計的效用發揮到極致。 他們將排氣管的廢氣通過一個slot(開孔?)吹出, 為擴散器的通過氣流增加能量。 紅牛的技師們在賽道上盡力的阻擋人們觀察的這個slot的位置,但這當然是沒用的, 因為各車隊都有負責拍照的,專門在紅牛的賽車通過維修站時不斷的拍攝數位照片! One of Red Bull’s secrets is a setting on the Renault engine for use on the final crucial lap in qualifying, whereby the ignition is retarded on the over-run, which maintains exhaust gas pressure even when the driver lifts off the throttle. This maintains the performance of the blown diffuser and keeps the downforce up when it’s most needed. It thus avoids the main problem of an exhaust blown diffuser whereby when a driver lifts off the throttle for a corner, the downforce goes missing when you most need it and the rear stability changes. 紅牛的另一個秘密是雷諾引擎在排位賽關鍵的最後一圈時的設定。 在這個全力衝刺的設定下,引擎會處於一種延遲點火的特殊模式 (這段翻的真爛啊....有沒有巷子內的版友可以翻的更好的?) 這樣能在車手鬆油時維持排氣管氣壓, 進而在最被需要的時候維持吹氣擴散器的性能表現,亦即在最需要的時候維持下壓力 這就避免了吹氣擴散器最大的問題,就是車手在彎角中央鬆開油門時, 下壓力會顯著降低損失,而彎道中偏偏是你最需要下壓力的時候。 (譯按:這一站的週五FP兩台麥拉崙的確一直在彎道時衝出去除草...) It’s not something you can do for more than a lap or two as the temperatures go sky high, which damages the engine, but it gives that vital fraction of a second which keeps Red Bull ahead of the rest in qualifying. 這不是能持續超過1圈或2圈的事情,因為引擎溫度溫度將會飆高而損壞引擎, 但這卻可以給紅牛在排位賽中多爭取那零點幾秒而搶到竿位 But one of the problems with running the exhausts low is that the components at the back of the car get very hot. McLaren’s lower wishbone featured a wide insulating cover to prevent overheating. The side sections of the diffuser featured an upper insulating plate, and underneath and they were painted with an insulating coating. But these precautions didn’t prevent the diffuser slightly changing shape due to the high temperatures, and this caused some rear end instability. So the diffuser was dropped for this weekend and McLaren had a rush on to balance the car with the new front wing but without the rear end package. Their performance in the race on Sunday was quite remarkable given how much work there was to do after Friday’s problems. 但另一個使用吹氣擴散器的問題是這會讓車屁股變得很燙。 麥拉崙極低的後懸掛吊下懸臂上有一整塊絕緣材料以避免過熱, 擴散器的外上方也多了一塊絕緣板。 但這些多出來的這些預防措施都不能避免擴散器在高溫下些微變形, 這導致了尾部的些許不穩定。 所以這組新的擴散器本週末被拆下了, 麥拉崙只能使用新鼻翼搭配舊車身,然後嘗試設定新的平衡。 考慮到他們週五碰到的巨大問題,周日麥隊的比賽速度真的已經很了不起了 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 大致就是這樣 又多了一個解釋為何紅牛正賽中速度不如排位賽讓人印象深刻的說法 也解釋了為何排位賽中紅牛的車可以殺彎殺得如此鬼哭神號 不過JA都知道了,相信其他車隊也知道了吧XDD 對麥隊來說可能比較不好的消息是 前面法拉利的『吹氣屁股』提升方式是些微的提高了他們後懸吊裝置的高度 進而避免了排氣管直接對著後懸吊組件吹風 而麥拉崙的車...為了配合他們的超級擴散器...後懸吊組件原本就設計的極端的低 而且麥隊的擴散器也比法拉利的極端 so如果要循同樣的思維去硬改吹氣擴散器的話,肯定會碰到比法拉利更多的問題 搞不好麥隊原本依賴的超級擴散器都得為此做出妥協 這不,如前所述,作了一大堆的預防措施新擴散器還是給他烤軟變形了..... 紅牛的車反正從一開始就不是圍繞著超級擴散器建造的 而是靠超卓的機械抓地力(紐維在麥隊時,麥隊車輛的機械抓地力也很優秀) 跟上半車身的空力設計產生下壓力 吹氣擴散器無疑是起到錦上添花的作用 但很清楚的是,即便這朵花在正賽中無法全力發揮,紅牛也不是好欺的對手 其他從去年就雙層擴散器個沒完的車隊,恐怕真的是想學紅牛也有個限度 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: roxinnccu 來自: (07/14 21:50) ※ 編輯: roxinnccu 來自: (07/15 00:13)
AlexLan:看來麥拉崙短時間內要跟進這項技術好像不是那麼容易了! 07/15 01:08
JackONeilll:不會是偏時點火吧? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 07/15 03:16
JackONeilll:所以說現在是吹氣屁屁+爆炸屁屁? 07/15 03:17
f80242:好文 07/15 07:15
gxjason:應該是說在引擎極限運作的模式下 收油時點火會延後 07/15 09:19
VWTF:MCLAREN提供的ECU是統一編程應該無法動手腳讓引擎有特殊輸出 07/15 12:04
VWTF:設定值 RB應該是用引擎機械方式達到所要的目的 07/15 12:06
shdai:大推 感謝翻譯好文 07/15 13:20
necky97:難怪ALONSO一直偷看紅牛的車 07/15 20:03
roxinnccu:東看西看了一下,好像真的是『偏時點火』唷~ 07/15 21:18
roxinnccu:總之把排氣管當作燃燒室來搞這樣,說是以前渦輪車為了保 07/15 21:18
roxinnccu:持渦輪壓力的老招... 07/15 21:19
JackONeilll:對啊 細部應該有差 不過想達成的效果應該很類似 07/15 21:30