看板 Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這其實和上一篇是同一篇文章 Tennis Week http://sportsmediainc.com/tennisweek/index.cfm?func=showarticle&newsid=11373 During an interview, the man who owns a 14-match Wimbledon winning streak revealed one of his earliest childhood memories is a vividly painful Wimbledon loss. 在訪談期間,這個擁有十四場溫布頓比賽連勝記錄的人顯露出他在早 期童年記憶中,一個鮮明的痛苦的溫布頓輸球的記憶。 "I remember crying in my living room when Boris Becker, who was my big idol then, los the Wimbledon final to Edberg in 1988, I think," Federer said. "I was probably seven at the time and I remember crying." 「我記得我在客廳哭了,當Boris Becker,我最大的偶像,在1988年的溫布 頓決賽中輸給Edberg,我想,」Federer說。「當時我才七歲,我記得我哭 了。」 "Sometimes I do (miss the fact I didn't have a traditional childhood)," Federer said. "I miss the easy life — the parties and things — that people experience growing up. I have friends who are totally normal. I travel too much to be normal (smiles), but through this life I have learned a lot about many different cultures so I wouldn't change it." 「有時候我是的(錯失我沒有一個傳統的童年的事實),」Federer說。 「我錯失了這簡單的生活(派對和事情),那些人們成長中都會經歷的。 我的朋友全都是普通朋友,我旅行太多了以致於都是普通朋友(笑),但 在這樣的生活中,我學到了很多不同文化,所以我不會改變它。」 "I had very little power on my backhand when I was younger," Federer said. "I could only slice the ball, I could not drive it and I think because of that it helped me develop other options and figure out other ways on the court. Sometimes now, when I play someone with a strong double- handed backhand it can still be tough. Of all my shots, my backhand maybe looks the nicest, but it doesn't always work the way I would like it to." 「在我比較小的時候,我的反手拍沒有什麼威力,」Federer說。「我只 能切球,我無法抽球,我想因此而幫助我發展其他的選擇,理解其他的方 式,在球場上。有時候現在,當我和有強力雙手反拍的人打球時,仍然是 蠻艱難的。在我的所有球路中,我的反手拍也許看起來是最好的,但它 總是不照我想要的方式作用。」 Asked to assess his greatest strength, Federer did not not hesitate in identifying the weapon opponents have long sought to avoid. If Federer's backhand his the scalpel that can slice apart opponents, his forehand is the sledgehammer that can slam holes in their defense. 問起評估他最強的球路,Federer毫不遲疑的確定這個他對手都企圖迴 避的武器,如果Federer的反拍,他的手術刀,能夠切球,他的正手拍就像大 錘一樣,能夠在對方的防線中穿洞。 "My forehand is always there," Federer said. "It is my best shot, I think, and the one that is most dangerous to my opponents. I think the my overall game, that I try to hit mix it up and can hit all shots, is a good thing too." 「我的正手拍總是在這兒,」Federer說。「它是我最好的球,我想,對我 的對手最有威脅性的球,在整場比賽中,我試圖將它混合入使用,且可以 打出所有的球也是一件好事。」 About the only shot Federer doesn't enjoy hitting is the drop shot. 關於這個唯一Federer不喜歡打的球路是過網急墜的球。 "I'm not a big fan of the drop shot — it's like a panic shot to me," Federer said with a smile. "Look at my matches and you'll see I only do it when I'm not feeling well or tired." 「我不是過網急墜球的狂熱愛好者,它對我而言像是一種驚恐的球,」 Federer微笑著說。「看看我的比賽,你會看到我只有在沒有感覺很好 或疲倦時才使用它。」 Despite the fact he leads the ATP Tour with eight tournament titles on the year and is undefeated in finals this year, Federer says he still feels the freeze before finals. 僅管他今年已經拿了ATP八項錦標賽的冠軍和從未在決賽中被打敗的 事實,Federer說他仍然會在決賽前感到戰慄。 "Yes, I still get nervous," Federer said. "Even before doing TV interviews, I still get nervous. Before finals, I get cold hands. It's just a different feeling unlike any other match. But you play two games and it usually goes away." 「是的,我仍會緊張,」Federer說。「甚至我在電視訪問之前,我仍會緊 張。在決賽前,我的手冰冷,它總是有不一樣的感受,不像其他的比賽。 但在打了兩局之後這種感覺通常就消失了。」 The 23-year-old Federer came face to face with his favorite player — 14-time Grand Slam champion Pete Sampras — for the only time in his career in the fourth round of the 2001 Wimbledon. Wielding a Wilson Pro Staff and playing an aggressive all-court style similar to Sampras, Federer shocked Sampras, 7-6, 5-7, 6-4, 6-7, 7-5 to snap Sampras' 31- match Wimbledon win streak in what some spectators saw as a passing of the torch between the former and future champion. Federer said Sampras is the best player he's ever seen. 這位二十三歲的Federer曾經面對面地與他最喜愛的球員——拿下十四 個大滿貫的Pete Sampras—— 也是唯一的一次在職業生涯中,在2001溫 布頓第四輪,以7-6, 5-7, 6-4, 6-7, 7-5 的比數打斷了Sampras第三十一場 溫布頓連勝記錄,在此,觀眾們看到了前代與未來的冠軍,這薪火的傳 承。Federer說Sampras是他見過最好的球員。 "I'd go with Pete Sampras (as the best player I've seen)," Federer said. "I was lucky enough to face him at Wimbledon and break his streak. People like to compare me to him, but what he's accomplished — 14 Grand Slams and six straight years at No. 1 — is an amazing achievement and hard for anyone to live up to that." 「我會像Pete Sampras一樣 (像我曾經看過的最好的球員),」Federer說, 「我是那麼地幸運,在溫布頓面對他而打斷他的連勝記錄,人們喜歡拿 我和他比較,但看看他達成了什麼——十四個大滿貫以及連續六年的世 界第一——是個驚人的成就,任何人要達成是很難的。」 Among the other Federer-revelations: he speaks "three and a half languages — French, German, English and Swiss-German" (his girlfriend, Mirka Vavrinec, said when Federer talks in his sleep he speaks in English); is an avid soccer fan, but rarely plays anymore due to the risk of injury; and loves the music of Lenny Kravitz.— 在其他Federer所透露的,他說「三種半語言」——法語,英語,德語,以及 瑞士式德語。(他的女朋友,Mirka Vavrinec,說當Federer在睡覺時說的 夢話是英語),是個熱烈的足球迷,但因有受傷的風險,很少玩足球。以及 喜歡Lenny Kravitz.的音樂。 註:如有翻錯的地方請幫忙修正...^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AmeliNowiz:感謝翻譯^^ 還有推夢話是英文XD 12/01
Seles:狂推! 12/01
ayu0081:大推這篇! 12/02
※ 編輯: elfxas 來自: (12/02 15:27)