看板 Fencing_club 關於我們 聯絡資訊
  上網找了一些資料有興趣的看看唄 En garde 起勢(對打前的準備動作) 英文是 On-guard French for "On Guard", the position that fencers take before a bout begins or after a break in the action. Thrust 伸手 To extend the arm and sword toward the opponent. Lunge 長刺 The basic attack in fencing where a fencer closes the distance between foes by moving the front leg forward while the back leg remains stationary and straightens out. Fleche 飛刺 A running attack counterattack 反擊 Parry 撥檔 A defensive action where a fencer blocks the opponent's blade. Riposte 還擊 A counterattack by a fencer who just has blocked an attack by the opponent with a parry. Remise 延續攻擊 To attack again immediately after the opponent has blocked an initial attack. Simultaneous 同時動作 (鈍劍雙擊不算分就這個) A ruling of no hit when two fencers in foil and sabre hit each other at the same time with an attack, redouble or remise. Attack 攻擊 A move or series of aggressive moves where a fencer tries to score a point against the opponent. Touch 擊中 A hit with the point of the weapon or a cut with the edge of the sabre, scoring a point. Point (Hit) 得分 A point scored by a touch with the tip of the blade or, in sabre, the edge of the blade against any part of the opponent's body in the target area. Target 有效區 (無效:out of target) The portion of the opponent's body which may be touched with the sword to score points. On-guard line 準備線 A line on each side of the centre line where a fencer stands to begin or resume a bout after a hit has been awarded. Disengage 繞劍(轉劍) To break contact between blades, done by one fencer passing his or her blade under the opponent's blade. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 物件類: Lame 電衣 Hilt 握把 Guard 護手 Blade 劍身 Point 劍尖 Plastron 3/4護身衣 fencer's jacket 劍衣 Foil 鈍劍(花劍) Epee 銳劍(重劍) Sabre 軍刀(馬刀)   不小心看過的新生,之後打劍就不要說不會判囉 哼哼... 沒副審這東西囉 哼哼哼.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: porkaka 來自: (03/21 16:53) ※ 編輯: porkaka 來自: (03/21 16:54)
hermioneno1:擊劍協會版 03/21 17:28
Arcrhapsody:小聲問....有音檔嗎XDD 03/21 18:08
porkaka:哇塞 好難歐 @@ 03/21 18:24
kasu:推一個~ 03/21 18:48
teentitans1:有副審(正色) 劍協版的發音教學嗎? 03/21 20:08
fsfarsight:這篇是英文,可以去查kk音標 03/21 20:25
fsfarsight:google打 fy可以查單字 03/21 20:25
fsfarsight:法文發音的話可以參考這個網站: 03/21 20:42
freud:喔喔喔 智慧+10 (筆記) 03/21 22:09
lillian919:法文發音可以參考http://www.subrosaXD.com.tw 03/21 22:10
songofdreams:樓上...我點進去才懂妳的意思哈哈~XD 真有創意~! 03/21 22:57
freud:原來是"lunge" 不是"lunch"...害我誤會一陣子^^".....(哭) 03/21 23:53
freedom9845:我一直以為是launch耶 想說像火箭一樣XD 03/22 00:34
Arcrhapsody:原來是英文 那個拼法讓我以為是法文 03/22 10:16
porkaka:智慧+10 是技巧鋼 03/22 15:47