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※ 引述《web2150 ((  ̄y▽ ̄)╭)》之銘言: : 推 Naca:我看了一下Premiere的Pulldown pattern,是拆解圖場的方式 06/08 22:11 : → Naca:即A,AB,BC,C,D的pattern,通常一般的Pulldown都是如此吧 06/08 22:13 : → Naca:2:2:2:4的方式,可能會感覺頓頓的吧? 不過畫面不會閃就是了.. 06/08 22:14 : → Naca:只是我還不知道Premiere做Pulldown要去哪裡找選項,沒用過... 06/08 22:15 若是指 AA,AB,BC,CC,DD 3:2:3:2 抱歉 我比較沒聽過這個pattern 目前比較常看到的是2:3:2:3 or 2:3:3:2 這兩個pattern 在實際操作時 如果把一段23.98p的素材放置在29.97p的timeline上時 FCP會為了使用較少的processing 而得到最大的real time effect 因而會採用2:2:2:4的pattern 也就是每4 frames repeat 1 frame 會頓是可見的 因為這樣的方式是快速的解決 23.98->29.97 FCP手冊裡面對於2:2:2:4 pulldown pattern的解釋 IV-445 2:2:2:4 pull-down An efficient but low-quality pull-down method, primarily useful for previewing the output of real-time effects on an NTSC monitor. See also pull-down insertion, pull-down pattern. IV-426 Step 3: Edit at 23.98 fps You can edit your footage in a 23.98 fps sequence. To preview your video on an external NTSC monitor while you are editing, you can choose one of several pull-down options to convert the 23.98 fps video to 29.97 fps. The 2:2:2:4 option is the least processor-intensive, but it should only be used for previewing. For more information about real-time pull-down options, see Volume III, Chapter 28,“Using RT Extreme.” Step 4: Output back to 29.97 fps NTSC video with advanced pull-down After you finish editing your movie, you can output back to 29.97 fps NTSC video by introducing a pull-down pattern on the FireWire output. You can choose one of several pull-down patterns, either from the RT pop-up menu in the Timeline or in the Playback Control tab of the System Settings window. For output back to tape, you should choose advanced pull-down (2:3:3:2), or normal telecine pull-down (2:3:2:3). You can also export your movie to a 23.98 fps QuickTime movie or image sequence for delivery to a video-to-film transfer lab. 看完之後或許有點疑問,我簡單列舉兩種情況 第一種情況 23.98p edit in 23.98p 監視器 29.97 在output到監視器時 需要pulldown 2:2:2:4 是為了預覽的效率 而得到最大的RT effect 最後輸出 要使用2:3:2:3 or 2:3:3:2 但是請注意 他這邊特別寫到output to tape 若不是要輸出tape的話 其實FCP手冊沒有寫明要怎麼處理 而僅說直接輸出23.98 QT Movie或image sequence 第二種情況 23.98p edit in 29.97 監視器 29.97 在放置到timeline上時 需要pulldown 雖然手冊並不建議使用2:2:2:4這個pattern 但若要不同timeline base混剪時要有效率 FCP就要用這pattern 也就是必要之惡 除非願意花時間仔細處理這個問題 但FCP手冊並沒有很詳細地指出要在哪裡做調整 Premiere我不是很清楚是否可以不同的timeline base混剪 其他參考資料: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24p#Displaying_24p_material -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: grussy 來自: (06/09 07:08)