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在 戰略高手 遊戲, 線上, 程設<-規劃 [Junchoon] System 系統 Σ系統, BBS架設相關討論區 [ric] 下, 目前轉進 4 ˇFB_announce BSD ●[FreeBSD] Important events and mil in2 5 ˇFB_bugs BSD ●[FreeBSD] Bug reports in2 6 ˇFB_chat BSD ●[FreeBSD] Non technical items rela in2 7 ˇFB_current BSD ●[FreeBSD] Discussions about FreeBS in2 8 ˇFB_cvs BSD ●[FreeBSD] CVS commit messages in2 9 ˇFB_doc BSD ●[FreeBSD] Documentation project in2 10 FB_hackers BSD ●[FreeBSD] Technical discussions in2 11 ˇFB_ports BSD ●[FreeBSD] Porting software to Free in2 12 ˇFB_questions BSD ●[FreeBSD] General questions in2 13 ˇFB_security BSD ●[FreeBSD] Security issues in2 14 ˇFB_stable BSD ●[FreeBSD] Discussions about FreeBS in2 這幾個 group. 不過因為是單向抓取的, 所以並不能 post 回去~ :) 歡迎大家一起來利用~ :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: