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[English below] 幾個月前 Thinker 發想了一個非常有創意的 open source 專案 "MadButterfly"(有人 叫它瘋狂奶油蒼蠅),用 SVG 來產生可縮放的向量圖形介面 (Vector GUI),這帶來無限 的想像,在圖形介面的領域可能會帶來很多的創新。 很高興這個禮拜二我們請到 Thinker 親自來講他的專案「瘋狂奶油蒼蠅」!如果您在圖 形介面的程式設計領域有興趣、或者根本就是專長在 GUI,務必來親眼看看「瘋狂奶油蒼 蠅」如何讓您的創意瘋狂飛舞! 參考資料: - Thinker 寫的 MadButterfly 的概念: http://heaven.branda.to/~thinker/GinGin_CGI.py/show_id_doc/345 - Thinker 在 COSCUP 2008 閃電秀的演講: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=MGOIBB6L27k ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 時間:  2008/12/9 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,請提早到場入座用餐或點飲料 主題:  瘋狂奶油蒼蠅 主講人: Thinker 語言:  中文 地點:  流浪觀點 (http://wiki.tossug.org/%E6%B5%81%E6%B5%AA%E8%A7%80%E9%BB%9E ) 最低消費:100元 注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 大綱: - 什麼是 SVG (scalable vector graphics)? - SVG 和 Flash 動畫 - MadButterfly 現況 - MadButterfly 使用範例 - 未來的計劃 - TODO ................................................................. Hi, I'm happy to announce that we'll have Thinker to talk about MadButterfly this Tuesday (December 9). Thinker is the main developer behind the MadButterfly open source project, which is a graphic user interface system based on SVG (scalable vector graphics). With a non-raster image based GUI system, many innovations become possible. If you are into GUI development, you should come to see how MadButterfly may boost your GUI to the next level with your own eyes! References: - Concept of MadButterfly written by Thinker (in Traditional Chinese): http://heaven.branda.to/~thinker/GinGin_CGI.py/show_id_doc/345 - Lightning talk in COSCUP 2008 by Thinker (in Mandarin): http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=MGOIBB6L27k ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 2008/12/9 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:30pm. Topic: MadButterfly Speaker: Thinker Language: Chinese Place: Vagabond Cafe (http://wiki.tossug.org/Vagabond_Cafe) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Outline: - What's SVG (scalable vector graphics)? - SVG and Flash animations - Current progrss of MadButterfly - Examples of using MadButterfly - Future plans - TODO _______________________________________________ [email protected] http://tossug.org/mailman/listinfo/hojia -- ※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <bbs.sayya.org> ◆ From: h96-203-67-242.seed.net.tw