看板 FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《[email protected] (誤入歧途.唉..)》之銘言: > ※ 引述《integrate (誤入歧途.唉..)》之銘言: > 剛剛發現把httpd.conf修改 > DocumentRoot "/home/sysadm/web" > 這樣的話就可以正常顯示..><.. > 難過..還是不知道ln哪裡沒設定好..... http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/core.html#options FollowSymLinks The server will follow symbolic links in this directory. Note: even though the server follows the symlink it does not change the pathname used to match against <Directory> sections. Note: this option gets ignored if set inside a <Location> section. -- Leo [joehorn]:~> make one lover for me make: don't know how to make one. Stop Leo [joehorn]:~> why? why?: No match. -- ☆Origin: 星情小築 ( Star.leobbs.net ) ★Author: JoeHorn ☆From: 219-70-167-190.cable.dynamic.giga.net.tw